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Search results for alpha,4289 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4289
Translated headword: Assyrians
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An ancient kingdom that rose up in mythic times and ruled a small part of Asia. Then Media took the land of the Assyrians and held it for no great time, but it was destroyed after four generations. The Persians conquered the Medes, and for more than two hundred years they held the rule.[1] Then the dynasty of the Macedonians conquered the land of the Persians. After the death of Alexander[2] it began to decline and in the time of the successors of Alexander, it was weakened in itself, [...] being conquered by the Romans. For the Greek forces were not worthy to be compared with them. For the Athenians ruled only the coast for seventy-eight years;[3] the Lacedaimonians ruled the Peloponnese and the rest of Greece for a whole thirty years and then were stopped by the Thebans.[4] The city of the Romans ruled the whole world, whatever was not inaccessible, for forty-five years beyond seven hundred -- until the consuls were Claudius Nero (for the second time) and Calpurnius Piso[5] -- having no rival.
Greek Original:*)assu/rioi: a)rxh\ palaia\ kai\ e)s tou\s muqikou\s a)nagome/nh xro/nous o)li/gou tino\s e)kra/thse th=s *)asi/as me/rous. ei)=ta h( *mhdikh\ kaqelou=sa th\n *)assuri/wn xro/non ou) polu\n kate/sxen, a)lla\ katelu/qh e)pi\ th=s d# genea=s. *pe/rsai de\ *mh/dous katagwnisa/menoi xro/nou pollw=| ple/on s1# e)/meinan e)pi\ th=s a)rxh=s. h( de\ *makedo/nwn dunastei/a th\n *persw=n kaqelou=sa, meta\ th\n *)aleca/ndrou teleuth\n e)pi\ to\ xei=ron h)/rcato fe/resqai kai\ e)pi\ tw=n diado/xwn au)th\ kaq' e(auth\n e)chsqe/nhsen u(po\ *(rwmai/wn kataluqei=sa. ta\s ga\r *(ellhnika\s duna/meis ou)k a)/cion au)tai=s a)ntipareceta/zein. *)aqhnai=oi ga\r mo/nhs h)=rcan th=s parali/ou duei=n de/onta [o#] e)/th: *lakedaimo/nioi de\ *peloponnh/sou kai\ th=s a)/llhs *(ella/dos kratou=ntes o(/la l# e)/th e)pau/qhsan u(po\ *qhbai/wn. h( *(rwmai/wn de\ po/lis a(pa/shs gh=s, o(/sh mh\ a)ne/mbato/s e)sti, e# kai\ m# pro\s toi=s y# e)/tesin ei)s u(pa/tous *klau/dion *ne/rwna to\ deu/teron kai\ *pi/swna *kalpouri=non, ou)de\n a)nti/palon e)/xousa.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 1.2-3 (abridged). See also
alpha 4290.
[1] The calculation is broadly c.550-330.
[2] The Great (in 323).
[3] Actually 74: 478-404.
[4] Actually 33: 404-371.
[5] 7 BCE.
Keywords: chronology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 September 2000@14:40:31.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (Altered wording.) on 17 September 2000@00:46:24.
David Whitehead (added notes and keyword; cosmetics) on 7 June 2002@10:21:12.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword) on 26 August 2002@08:39:24.
David Whitehead (corrected a numeral in the tr (and added a note to it), at the prompting of Larry Ringer) on 7 July 2006@05:17:49.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 6 December 2015@01:09:11.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 6 December 2015@01:18:03.
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