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Search results for alpha,4261 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4261
Translated headword: Astyanassa
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Handmaid of Menelaus' wife Helen;[1] [the one] who first invented the sexual positions and wrote about forms of sexual intercourse; Philainis and
Elephantine later imitated her, women who acted out such vulgarities in dances.[2]
Greek Original:*)astua/nassa, *(ele/nhs th=s *menela/ou qera/paina: h(/tis prw/th ta\s e)n th=| sunousi/a| katakli/seis eu(=re kai\ e)/graye peri\ sxhma/twn sunousiastikw=n: h(\n u(/steron parezh/lwsan *filaini\s kai\ *)elefanti/nh, ai( ta\ toiau=ta e)corxhsa/menai a)selgh/mata.
[1] Unattested outside lexicography.
[2] For Philainis as herself an alleged author of a sex manual see
delta 472, and generally the evidence and bibliography collected in F.W. Walbank,
A Historical Commentary on Polybius, ii (Oxford 1967) 356-7.
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; meter and music; mythology; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 11 May 1999@11:03:26.
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