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Search results for alpha,426 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,426
Translated headword: adamantine [things]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] solid [ones].[1]
Apollonius, as if conversing with himself, used to say 'I know', and 'it seems to me' and 'where are you headed', and 'one needs to know'." And [his] opinions [were] brief and adamantine.[2]
Greek Original:*)adama/ntina: sterra/. o( de\ *)apollw/nios w(/sper e(autw=| diele/geto, oi)=da, e)/lege, kai\ dokei= moi: kai\ poi= fe/resqe; kai\ xrh\ ei)de/nai. kai\ do/cai braxei=ai kai\ a)dama/ntinai.
[1] Neuter plural(s); same headword plus gloss in other lexica too (references at
Photius alpha324 Theodoridis); evidently quoted from somewhere -- given what follows, perhaps
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 3.21, though there are other possibilities.
[2] Much of this material recurs in
kappa 912. The Apollonius in question is the neo-Pythagorean sage A. of
Tyana (C1/2), on whom see principally
alpha 3420.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 November 2000@00:13:51.
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