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Search results for alpha,4248 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4248
Translated headword: mule, mule's saddle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] donkey.[1]
The mule, as
Demosthenes [sc. says in his speech]
against Meidias. But perhaps every beast of burden on which men are borne is called thus.[2]
a)stra/bh, the wooden [pommel] for equestrians, which they hold on to while seated.[3]
Also [sc. attested is the related term]
a)strabhla/ths ["muleteer"], [meaning] the driver.[4]
Or even the actual saddle of a beast of burden. But others call the mule's saddle an
"But he, when the mule has shed both its burden and its saddle, lifting them onto his shoulders comes into the monastery of Saint Sava."[6]
Greek Original:*)astra/bh: o)/nos. h( h(mi/onos, w(s *dhmosqe/nhs kata\ *meidi/ou. ta/xa de\ kai\ pa=n u(pozu/gion, e)f' ou(= oi( a)/nqrwpoi o)xou=ntai, ou(/tws e)kalei=to. h)\ *)astra/bh, to\ e)pi\ tw=n e)fi/ppwn cu/lon, o(\ kratou=sin oi( kaqezo/menoi. kai\ *)astrabhla/ths, o( h(ni/oxos. h)\ kai\ au)to\ to\ nwtofo/ron u(pozu/gion. oi( de\ to\n swmathgo\n h(mi/onon a)stra/bhn le/gousin. o( de\ th=s h(mio/nou a)potuxou/shs to/n te fo/rton kai\ th\n a)stra/bhn dia/ras e)pi\ tw=n w)/mwn, ei)s th\n monh\n tou= qei/ou *sa/bba e)/rxetai.
[1] =
Synagoge alpha1014.
[2] From Harpokration s.v.
a)stra/bh, citing
Demosthenes 21.133 (web address 1).
[3] Also in
Hesychius (alpha7882), the
Synagoge (codex B alpha2268, and
Photius (
Lexicon alpha3017); cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 158.50.
[4] Glossed
o)nhla/ths "donkey-driver" in
Synagoge alpha1015 and
Lexicon alpha3016. Cf.
omicron 368.
[5] A continuation of the material referred to, in note 3 above, in the
Synagoge (codex b alpha2268) and
Photius (
Lexicon alpha3017). See also
Etymologicum Magnum 159.54.
[6] Quotation unidentifiable (Adler suggests Symeon Metaphrastes), absent from manuscripts ATFV; perhaps metaphorical for retiring from worldly responsibilities and adopting the ascetic life.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; imagery; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 February 2002@13:58:24.
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