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Adler number: alpha,4202
Translated headword: Aspasia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: She became notorious. She was Milesian in descent, clever with regards to words. They say she was simultaneously teacher and beloved of Pericles. It is supposed she became the cause of two wars, the Samian[1] and the Peloponnesian.[2] It also seems that Pericles had a bastard child with the same name, Pericles, by her.[3]
[Note] that there were two courtesan Aspasias.[4] Pericles had the sexual use of one of these, [and] provoked to anger on her account he wrote the decree against the Megareans, forbidding them to be permitted into
Athens. Hence these people having their way barred by the Athenians fled for refuge to the Lacedaemonians. Aspasia was a sophist and a teacher of rhetorical principles. And later she became his wife.
Greek Original:*)aspasi/a: poluqru/lhtos ge/gonen au(/th. h)=n de\ ge/nos *milhsi/a, deinh\ de\ peri\ lo/gous. *perikle/ous de/ fasin au)th\n dida/skalon a(/ma kai\ e)rwme/nhn ei)=nai. dokei= de\ duoi=n pole/mwn ai)ti/a gegone/nai, tou= te *samiakou= kai\ tou= *peloponnhsiakou=. dokei= de\ kai\ e)c au)th=s e)sxhke/nai *periklh=s to\n o(mw/numon au)tw=| *perikle/a to\n no/qon. o(/ti *)aspasi/ai du/o e(tai=rai. th=| de\ mia=| tou/twn e)ke/xrhto o( *periklh=s, di' h(\n o)rgisqei\s e)/graye to\ kata\ *megare/wn yh/fisma, a)pagoreu=on de/xesqai au)tou\s ei)s ta\s *)aqh/nas. o(/qen e)kei=noi ei)rgo/menoi tw=n *)aqhnai/wn prose/fugon toi=s *lakedaimoni/ois. h( de\ *)aspasi/a sofi/stria h)=n kai\ dida/skalos lo/gwn r(htorikw=n. u(/steron de\ kai\ gameth\ au)tou= ge/gonen.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., an entry generated by A's appearance in
Lysias fr. 2 Sauppe (= 2 Carey OCT).
[1] The revolt of
Samos from Athenian control, 441-439 BCE.
[2] 431-404 BCE.
[3] See
delta 451.
[4] The entry now draws on a scholion to
Acharnians 527, but begins by misunderstanding it: the joke concerned two (unnamed) whores allegedly owned/managed by Aspasia.
Henry, Madeleine M., Prisoner of History. Aspasia of Miletus and her Biographical Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995 (Bryn Mawr Classical Review 96.4.7, web address 1)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; comedy; economics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 February 2000@00:46:27.
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