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Search results for alpha,4195 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4195
Translated headword: Asochaios, Asochaeus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.[1] And as a feminine Asoche, a name of a city.[2] Also [sc. attested is] Asochis, a proper name. Also [sc. attested is] Asochin, a name of a city, in the accusative.[3]
Greek Original:*)aswxai=os: o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ qhluko\n *)aswxh/, o)/noma po/lews. kai\ *)aswxi/s, o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ *)/aswxin, o)/noma po/lews, ai)tiatikh=|.
[1] A king of Egypt, mentioned in
Jewish War 6.436, for his capture of
[2] In this form, only here -- but see next note.
[3] Asochis was in Galilee (present-day Israel); Barrington Atlas map 69 grid B4.
Josephus has one instance of the nominarive and three of the accusative.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 December 2001@18:34:15.
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