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Headword: *)asklhpio/dotos
Adler number: alpha,4174
Translated headword: Asklepiodotos, Asclepiodotus
Vetting Status: high
This man from earliest childhood was agreed to be the keenest and most learned of his age-mates, to the extent that he did not stop busying himself with each of the things which he happened upon, both the marvels which nature produced and the creations which every art provided. For instance, in a short time he came to a complete understanding of all the mixtures of dye colors and of the manifold dyes used in decorating clothing, and furthermore the many differences of woods, how their fibers are disposed concerning straightness and curvature. But still further, the various properties and types of stones and plants, those lying near to hand and those which were rarer, were investigated and discovered by every means. He proved a great nuisance to those who made their living in each of these areas when he would sit down beside them for a long time and question them about each thing in the most minute detail. He held the inquiry into plants in rather high esteem and still more the [inquiry into] animals, and he investigated the local ones by observation and inquired into those which were not possible [to see] by report, up to the ends of the earth, reading over as much as the ancients had recorded about them. He was an Alexandrian by birth. Thus, I know by frequent experience that this man propounded well the goodly sect and did not fall far short of his father at all in his righteous zeal and in the sort of intense and passionate hope that leads to the divine;[1] however, he was more philosophical than that man and was equipped with other preparatory education. Accordingly, the city of Aphrodite ascended in his time toward greater holiness. Already he had expelled abominable practices into the hinterlands, and into Alexandria, which worshipped Osiris and served as high priestess of the East.[2] In addition to his loftiness he was easy-going and the company he provided to those whom he met was very pleasant. He was of a good disposition from childhood up until his old age, and he brought many innovations sprung from his own nature into the rites, for which he managed the adornment of the images and assigned hymns. Though he was a thrifty household manager and a farmer, when his father died he had to pay back many debts.[3] Having established himself on a sound financial footing[4] he nevertheless incurred great expenses, on account of his religious inclination and other political ambition which seemed to be necessary and customary for his family. As a result he himself was later compelled to leave an indebted estate to his daughters. Let these things be recorded by me rendering small favors in return for great.[5]
Look in [the entry on] deisidaimonia ["religious awe"].[6]
Greek Original:
*)asklhpio/dotos: ou(=tos e)k pai/dwn eu)qu\s w(mologei=to o)cu/tatos kai\ polumaqe/statos ei)=nai tw=n h(likiwtw=n, w(/ste kai\ polupragmonw=n ou)de\n e)pau/eto peri\ e(ka/stou tw=n parapipto/ntwn, w(=n h(/ te h( fu/sis a)perga/zetai qaumasi/wn kai\ te/xnh e(ka/sth pare/xetai dhmiourghma/twn. e)n gou=n o)li/gw| xro/nw| panta/pasi katanenoh/kei tw=n te bafikw=n xrwma/twn ta\s mi/ceis a(pa/sas kai\ tw=n peri\ e)sqh=ta kosmoume/nwn bamma/twn pantodapw=n, e)/ti de\ tw=n cu/lwn ta\s muri/as diaforo/thtas, o(/pws au)tw=n ai( i)=nes e)/xousin eu)qu/thtos pe/ri kai\ diaplokh=s. a)lla\ me/ntoi li/qwn kai\ botanw=n ai( poiki/lai duna/meis te kai\ i)de/ai, tw=n te e)n posi\ keime/nwn kai\ tw=n spaniwta/twn, a)nezhtou=nto kai\ eu(ri/skonto pa/sh| mhxanh=|. o)/xlon de\ parei/xeto polu\n toi=s peri\ e(/kasta diatri/bousi parakaqh/meno/s te suxna\ kai\ peri\ e(ka/stou a)nerwtw=n e)s to\ a)kribe/staton. th\n de\ peri\ futw=n i(stori/an e)pi\ mei/zonos h)ga/pa timh=s, kai\ e)/ti ma=llon th\n peri\ zw/|wn, ta/ te e)no/nta dia\ th=s o)/yews a)nakri/nwn kai\ ta\ mh\ dunata\ dia\ th=s a)koh=s e)ceta/zwn e)pi\ to\ makro/taton, o(/sa te toi=s presbu/tais a)nage/graptai peri\ tou/twn a)nalego/menos. h)=n de\ *)alecandreu\s to\ ge/nos. tou=ton ou)=n e)pi/stamai dia\ pei/ras suxnh=s eu)= ma/la th/n te a)gaqoeidh= proai/resin probeblhme/non kai\ tou= patro\s ou) polu/ ti leipo/menon kata\ th\n eu)sebh= proqumi/an kai\ th\n pro\s to\ qei=on a)nagome/nhn e)lpi/da su/ntono/n te kai\ e)rwtikh/n: filosofou=nta me/ntoi u(pe\r e)kei=non kai\ th=| a)/llh| propaidei/a| kekosmhme/non. toigarou=n a)ne/qhlen e)p' au)tou= h( po/lis th=s *)afrodi/ths ei)s to\ i(erw/teron. h)/dh de\ kai\ e)s ta\s u(perori/ous a)pw/|kise th\n a)po/rrhton qe/min, e)/s te *)aleca/ndreian th\n *)osira/zousan kai\ th=s e(/w pollaxh=| th\n mageu/ousan. geno/menos de\ pro\s tw=| semnw=| kai\ eu)tra/pelos h(di/sthn parei/xeto toi=s e)ntugxa/nousi th\n au)tou= sundiai/thsin. eu)fuh\s de\ e)k pai/dwn gegonw\s a)/xri gh/rws polla\ suneish/negken ei)s ta\ i(era\ th=s oi)kei/as fu/sews e)/kgona mhxanh/mata, a)ga/lmata/ te diakosmw=n kai\ u(/mnous prostiqei\s e)/stin oi(=s. oi)konomiko\s de\ w)\n kai\ gewrgiko\s, a)poqano/ntos au)tw=| tou= patro\s, a)pe/tise xre/a polla/. e)n xrhmatismw=| de\ dikai/w| katasta\s o(/mws e)n dapanh/masi mega/lois e)ge/neto, th=s te i(era=s ei(/neka proaire/sews kai\ th=s a)/llhs politikh=s filotimi/as a)nagkai/as ei)=nai dokou/shs kai\ tw=| oi)/kw| sunh/qous. w(/ste h)nagka/sqh kai\ au)to\s u(/steron u(po/xrewn th\n ou)si/an katalipei=n tai=s qugatra/si. tau=ta a)nagegra/fqw moi xari/sia o)li/ga a)nti\ pollw=n a)podido/nti. zh/tei e)n tw=| deisidaimoni/a.
From Damascius, Life of Isidore frr. 183, 185, 204, 219, 349 Zintzen (114, 119, 129, 135, 216 Asmus). For other entries relating to Asklepiodotos (aside from those mentioned below), cf. delta 954, delta 1335, kappa 1537.
[1] Again at delta 695.
[2] Again at omicron 694.
[3] Already at alpha 3312.
[4] Again at chi 486.
[5] Again at chi 121.
[6] delta 368.
Keywords: agriculture; art history; biography; botany; children; clothing; daily life; economics; ethics; geography; history; law; meter and music; philosophy; religion; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 June 2002@12:36:31.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 10 June 2002@04:12:03.
William Hutton (modified translation, augmented note, added keywords, cosmetics) on 21 October 2003@10:04:51.
David Whitehead (typo) on 21 October 2003@10:57:18.
David Whitehead (typo; another keyword) on 2 October 2005@11:12:34.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 4 December 2005@08:28:01.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references and keyword) on 16 September 2010@00:26:39.
David Whitehead on 24 April 2012@09:52:38.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 1 July 2023@01:05:31.


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