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Search results for alpha,4134 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4134
Translated headword: Hasdrubal
Vetting Status: high
Translation: General of the Carthaginians. When in the course of the war this man was doing badly in the attack on Megara,[1] he brought all his Roman prisoners-of-war to the wall, whence it would be obvious to the Romans what was being done, and he pulled out the eyes or tongues or sinews or genitals of some with iron hooks, and of others he cut away the soles of their feet and chopped off their fingers, or he flayed the skin off the rest of the body and threw them headlong still breathing off the wall -- contriving against the Romans things which were unacceptable to the Carthaginians. And thus he incited them to make their safety depend upon battle alone, but for him it turned out opposite from how he had planned. For the Carthaginians were made very fearful instead of eager by someone who knew about these lawless deeds, and they began to hate Hasdrubal since he had destroyed their forbearance; and the council especially cried out against him as someone who had done brutal and arrogant things in the extremity of his own misfortunes. So he killed some of the councillors and, in respect of everything which already made him fearful, came to behave more like a tyrant than a general -- seeing his sole security as lying in being frightening to them and thus hard to attack.
Search concerning this man in [the entry about] Hannibal.[2]
Greek Original:*)asdrou/bas, *karxhdo/nios strathgo/s. ou(=tos kata\ th\n tou= pole/mou sumbolh\n xalepw=s e)/xwn th=s e)pi\ ta\ *me/gara e)pixeirh/sews, o(/sa *(rwmai/wn ei)=xen ai)xma/lwta e)pi\ to\ tei=xos a)gagw\n, o(/qen eu)su/nopta *(rwmai/ois e)/melle ta\ drw/mena e)/sesqai, tw=n me\n o)fqalmou\s h)\ glw/ttas h)\ neu=ra h)\ ai)doi=a sidhri/ois e)cei=lke kampu/lois, tw=n de\ u(pe/temne ta\ pe/lmata kai\ daktu/lous e)ce/kopten, h)\ to\ de/rma tou= loipou= sw/matos a)pe/spa, kai\ pa/ntas e)/mpnous e)/ti katekrh/mnizen, a)dia/llakta *karxhdoni/ois ta\ e)s *(rwmai/ous e)pinow=n. kai\ o( me\n au)tou\s ou(/tws h)re/qize th\n swthri/an e)/xein e)n mo/nh| th=| ma/xh, perie/sth d' au)tw=| e)s to\ e)nanti/on w(=n e)peno/ei. u(po\ ga\r tou= suneido/tos oi( *karxhdo/nioi tw=nde tw=n a)qemi/stwn e)/rgwn perideei=s a)nti\ proqu/mwn e)gi/gnonto, kai\ to\n *)asdrou/ban w(s th\n suggnw/mhn sfw=n a)fh|rhme/non e)mi/soun: kai\ ma/lisq' h( boulh\ au)tou= katebo/a w(s w)ma\ kai\ u(perh/fana dedrako/tos e)n sumforai=s oi)kei/ais tosai=sde. o( de\ tw=n bouleutw=n tinas e)/kteine kai\ e)s pa/nta w)\n h)/dh perideh\s e)s turanni/da ma=llon h)\ strathgi/an perih=lqen, w(s e)n tw=|de mo/nw| to\ a)sfale\s e(/cwn, ei) fobero\s au)toi=s ei)/h kai\ dia\ tou=to dusepixei/rhtos. zh/tei peri\ tou/tou e)n tw=| *)anni/bas.
See generally OCD(4) p.647, under 'Hasdrubal(4)', and already
alpha 4133. The material of the present entry comes from Appian,
Punica 118 (=
Libyca 561-2).
[1] Not the Greek or Sicilian cities of that name, but a suburb of Carthage.
alpha 2452.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 December 2001@16:03:28.
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