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Adler number: alpha,4133
Translated headword: Hasdrubal
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The general of the Carthaginians, "was conceited and a rogue and very much lacked any pragmatic or strategic ability. Signs of his lack of judgment [include the fact] that once he came in full gear, cloaked in sea purple and with 10 swordsmen, when he met Golosses the king of the Numidians. And he stood as much as 20 feet away, putting in front of him a ditch and palisade, and he nodded to the king to come forward towards him, though it was right for the opposite to happen. Nevertheless, Golosses was serene in a certain Numidian fashion and went towards him alone, and when he approached he asked what he was afraid of since he came in full armor. And when he had spoken [Hasdrubal said] that it was the Romans. 'But then,' Golosses said, 'you would not have entrusted yourself to the city [= Carthage], without any need to.'"[1] "He was fleshy by nature -- he had put on his full armor -- and had a pot-belly and was flushed with a color contrary to nature, so that he seemed to be living like fatted oxen at a festival, rather than presiding over so many and such great misfortunes that no one who endured them could describe in words;[2] so that when someone looks at his declarations, he admires the man and the high spirit of his words, but when [someone looks] at his management of his affairs, he is shocked by his ignobility and cowardice."[3]
Greek Original:*)asdrou/bas, o( *karxhdoni/wn strathgo\s, keno/docos h)=n kai\ a)lazw\n kai\ polu\ kexwrisme/nos th=s pragmatikh=s kai\ strathgikh=s duna/mews. shmei=a de\ th=s a)krisi/as au)tou=, o(/ti parh=n pote e)n panopli/a| porfuri/da qalatti/an e)mpeporphme/nos, h(ni/ka *golo/ssh| sunegi/neto tw=| *noma/dwn basilei= meta\ maxairofo/rwn i#. kai\ o(/son k# po/das a)pe/sth probeblhme/nos ta/fron kai\ xa/raka, kai\ kate/neue tw=| basilei= prosie/nai pro\s au)to\n, kaqh/kein gi/nesqai tou)nanti/on. ou) mh\n a)ll' o( *golo/sshs a)felw=s e)/xwn *nomadikw=| tini tro/pw| mo/nos prosh/|ei pro\s au)to/n: kai\ proseggi/sas h)/reto ti/na fobou/menos th\n panopli/an e)/xwn h(=ke. tou= d' ei)po/ntos o(/ti *(rwmai/ous: ou)k a)\n a)/r', e)/fhsen o( *golo/sshs, e)/dwkas sauto\n e)s th\n po/lin, mhdemi/an e)/xwn a)na/gkhn. h)=n me\n ou)=n kai\ fu/sei sa/rkinos, balw\n de\ th\n panopli/an kai\ koili/an ei)lh/fei kai\ tw=| xrw/mati para\ fu/sin e)pikekaume/nos h)=n, w(/ste dokei=n e)n panhgu/rei pou diaita=sqai paraplhsi/ws toi=s siteutoi=s bousi\n, a)lla\ mh\ thlikou/twn kai\ toiou/twn kakw=n prostatei=n, w(=n ou)d' a)\n e)fi/koito tw=| lo/gw| dieciw\n ou)dei/s: w(/sq' o(/te me\n e)s ta\s a)pofa/seis au)tou= tis ble/yeie, qauma/zein to\n a)/ndra kai\ to\ megalo/yuxon tw=n lo/gwn, o(/te de\ e)s to\n xeirismo\n tw=n pragma/twn, th\n a)genni/an kataplh/ttesqai kai\ th\n a)nandri/an.
Keywords: biography; clothing; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; medicine; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 December 2001@15:37:00.
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