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Search results for alpha,4129 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)asafei/a| nukto\s a)pollu/menos
Adler number: alpha,4129
Translated headword: killed in the obscurity of night
Vetting Status: high
Evidently [meaning that he was killed] beneath the darkest [part of] the night, in which one is not able to recognize someone. Whence also the [expression], "with the moon showing through the gloom." Thus it is written in the Martyrdom of the twenty thousand saints.[1]
Greek Original:
*)asafei/a| nukto\s a)pollu/menos: u(po\ skoteinota/ths dhladh\ nukto\s, kaq' h(/n ti/s tina a)nagnwri/sai ou) du/natai. o(/qen kai\ to\, selh/nhs to\n zo/fon diasafou/shs. ou(/tws ge/graptai e)n tw=| marturi/w| tw=n a(gi/wn dismuri/wn.
Entry lacking, Adler reports, in three of the manuscripts.
[1] Symeon Metaphrastes, PG 116.1077c; again at delta 746. (The headword phrase itself is unidentifiable.)
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; imagery; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 December 2001@15:07:52.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added note) on 26 August 2002@01:07:09.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 July 2007@09:39:52.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords; tweaking) on 24 April 2012@05:34:12.
David Whitehead on 1 September 2015@04:49:04.


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