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Search results for alpha,4120 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4120
Translated headword: ruler in the flesh
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] supreme-ruler, leader. "Time [is the] ruler of pains."[1]
[Someone says that][2] it is necessary for the ruler to perform all his duties for the sake of the ruled. But Hegias[3] deemed it right not only for the ruler to have the best interests of the ruled at heart, but also for them to have his [best interests at heart], since the impulse toward good in everything is stronger toward itself than toward something else. But Isidoros says that the ruler qua ruler does [not][4] heed a ruler, even if he has some concern for himself, as if he himself were one of the ruled that need to have their interests protected. For strictly speaking a ruler has need of nothing. But qua person, a practitioner of an art might need [something]; for instance a doctor might need the doctor's art if he got sick. But the doctor's art would never get sick; nor indeed would the doctor standing in line with the doctor's art, nor the ruler who is seen to be in line with the science of ruling. One must try to say more rationally that things are not only said to be directed toward something but also are directed toward each other: the ruler is both said to be and is directed toward to the ruled, and the ruled are both said to be and are directed toward the ruler; so that if ruling benefits the ruled at all, its benefit will be directed toward those for whom ruling is intended.
Apis the Egyptian is said to have been the first to bring the doctor's art to Greece.[5]
Greek Original:*)/arxwn xro/tios: a)rxhgo\s, prohgo/s. a)/rxwn xro/nos phma/twn. to\n a)/rxonta tw=n a)rxome/nwn ei(/neka pa/nta diapra/ttesqai dei=n. o( de\ *(hgi/as h)ci/ou ou) mo/non to\n a)/rxonta tw=n a)rxome/nwn ti/qesqai pro/noian, a)lla\ kai\ au)tou= pro\s e)kei/nwn. e(ka/stw| ga\r ei)=nai th\n e)/fesin tou= a)gaqou= pro\s e(auto\ ma=llon h)\ pro\s e(/teron. o( de\ *)isi/dwro/s fhsin, to\n a)/rxonta h(=| a)/rxontos a)kou/ein, ei) de\ kai\ e(autou= fronti/da poioi=to, w(s e(no/s ge kai\ e(autou= tw=n a)rxome/nwn kai\ deome/nwn pronoi/as. to\n ga/r toi a)/rxonta tw=| a)kribei= lo/gw| dei=sqai mhdeno/s: h(=| de\ a)/nqrwpos, o( texni/ths de/oito a)/n, oi(=on i)atro\s th=s i)atrikh=s, ei) nosh/seien. i)atrikh\ de\ ou)k a)/n pote nosh/seien: ou) toi/nun ou)de\ o( kata\ th\n i)atrikh\n e(stw\s i)atro\s, ou) toi/nun ou)de\ o( kata\ th\n a)rxikh\n e)pisth/mhn a)/rxwn o(rw/menos. logikw/teron de\ ei)pei=n e)pixeirhte/on, w(s ta\ pro/s ti ou) le/getai mo/non, a)lla\ kai\ e)/sti pro\s a)/llhla. a)/rxwn a)/ra pro\s a)rxome/nous kai\ a)rxo/menos pro\s a)/rxonta kai\ le/gontai kai\ ei)si/n, w(/ste ei)/ ti to\ a)/rxein w)felei= tou\s a)rxome/nous, w)felh/sei pro\s ou(\s kai\ to\ a)/rxein probe/blhtai. o(/ti th\n i)atrikh\n *)/apis o( *ai)gu/ptios prw=tos ei)s th\n *(ella/da metakomi/sai le/getai.
"In the flesh" is my best guess for what appears to be an adjective
xro/tios, again in the brief cross-reference at
iota 67. (cf.
xrotih=s in
Greek Anthology 15.35.2). An emendation to
xro/nios would at least connect it with the quotation from
Sophocles. (Adler passes no comment.)
Ajax 934-935, with scholion.
[2] Here begins
Life of Isidore fr. 364 Zintzen (227 Asmus).
[3] See
eta 60, from the same source.
[4] Adler's apparatus briefly indicates what her predecessors did here: Aemilius Portus wanted this negative, Bernhardy a lacuna resulting from homoioteleuton.
[5] Quoted from
gamma 416; see also
alpha 3217.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; mythology; philosophy; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 March 2002@16:50:15.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 26 August 2002@00:49:28.
David Whitehead (rearranged and augmented notes; cosmetics) on 26 August 2002@03:56:10.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 24 April 2012@03:25:03.
David Whitehead (coding; cosmetics) on 1 September 2015@04:35:03.
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