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Adler number: alpha,4102
Translated headword: Archiadas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man showed what sort of person he was in spirit: when a lot of his possessions had been plundered, since he perceived that
Theagenes, who was still a little child, was grieving over what had been lost and pillaged, said, "
Theagenes, you must take heart and join me in thank-offerings to the gods for the safety of our bodies, but don't be discouraged about the money. For if Athena Polias had ordered it to be spent for the Panathenaia,[1] how great an an expense would we have paid? But the present struggle we must consider to be part of the Panathenaia, and more glorious and more pious than any other."
Greek Original:*)arxia/das: ou(=tos oi(=os h)=n th\n yuxh\n a)pedei/knuto: plei/stwn ga\r au)tw=| xrhma/twn dihrpasme/nwn, e)peidh\ h)/|sqeto *qeage/nh e)/ti paidi/on o)/nta lupou/menon e)pi\ toi=s a)polwlo/si kai\ peporqhme/nois, w)= *qea/genes, e)/fh, qarrei=n h)/dh se xrh\ kai\ toi=s qeoi=s o(mologei=n swthri/ous xa/ritas u(pe\r tw=n swma/twn, u(pe\r de\ tw=n xrhma/twn ou)k a)qumhte/on. ei) ga\r *)aqhna= h( *polia\s e)ke/leusen au)ta\ a)nalw=sai *panaqhnai/ois, po/sou a)\n e)pria/meqa th\n dapa/nhn tau/thn; a)lla\ to\n paro/nta a)gw=na kai\ *panaqhnai/wn h(gei=sqai dei= kai\ panto\s e(te/rou lampro/tero/n te kai\ eu)sebe/steron.
Life of Isidore fr. 282 Asmus (cross-referenced at
theta 79) - not recognised as authentic by Zintzen, but accepted by Athanassiadi as fr. 105. According to Athanassiadi (page 251 note 277), this Archiadas was the grandson of
Plutarch and
Proclus' closest friend. For another Archiadas see
epsilon 3650.
[1] sc. In
Athens. See generally
pi 151,
pi 152.
Damascius, The Philosophical History, text with translation and notes by Polymnia Athanassiadi. Athens 1999.
Keywords: athletics; biography; children; economics; ethics; geography; history; philosophy; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 March 2002@10:34:29.
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