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Search results for alpha,4101 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4101
Translated headword: Skyrian empire, Scyrian empire
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who are paltry and possess nothing worthwhile. Inasmuch as
Skyros,[1] rocky and dreary and accordingly poor, produces nothing worth mentioning.[2] Some [say], though, [that it comes] from Theseus; that when he attacked the realm of Lykomedes and tried to rape his wife he was thrown over a cliff.[3] And Theophrastos, in the
First Occasions, reports that Theseus was the first to be ostracized in
Greek Original:*)arxh\ *skuri/a: e)pi\ tw=n eu)telw=n kai\ mhde\n lusitele\s e)xo/ntwn. paro/son petrw/dhs kai\ lupra\ kai\ dia\ tou=to penixra\ h( *sku=ros ou)de\n fe/rousa lo/gou a)/cion. oi( de\ a)po\ *qhse/ws, o(/ti e)piqe/menos th=| *lukomh/dous a)rxh=|, o(/ti peirw=n th\n gunai=ka au)tou= katakrhmnisqei/h. o)strakisqh=nai de\ prw=ton *)aqh/nhsi *qhse/a i(storei= *qeo/frastos e)n toi=s prw/tois kairoi=s.
[1] An island in the dead centre of the Aegean Sea; for other proverbs mentioning it see
alphaiota 238,
sigma 714.
[2] Similarly explained in
Zenobius 1.32 and other paroemiographers.
[3] For Theseus and Lykomedes see e.g.
Pausanias 1.17.6 and
Theseus 35 (neither, however, mentioning L.'s wife). In the 470s BCE Kimon brought back from
Skyros to
Athens bones which were believed to be those of Theseus; cf.
theta 367.
Theophrastus 638 FHS&G (fr.131 Wimmer). For ostracism see
omicron 716,
omicron 717; as a formal procedure it dates back no earlier than the late sixth century BCE.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; daily life; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; law; mythology; proverbs; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 March 2002@10:24:42.
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