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Headword: *)arxai=os
Adler number: alpha,4074
Translated headword: old-fashioned
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] someone/something ancient.[1]
Isocrates in the Panegyricus [says] "speaking old-fashionedly", that is, using rather archaic words.[2] But Demosthenes in [the] Philippics [sc. is found] saying "they behaved so old-fashionedly, or rather, like good citizens";[3] he chose [this word] instead of simply.
Greek Original:
*)arxai=os: o( palaio/s. *)isokra/ths me\n e)n tw=| *panhgurikw=| to\ a)rxaiotro/pws ei)pei=n, toute/stin a)rxaiote/rois o)no/masi xrh=sqai: *dhmosqe/nhs de\ e)n toi=s *filippikoi=s ei)pw/n: ou(/tws de\ a)rxai/ws ei)=xon, ma=llon de\ politikw=s: a)nti\ tou= a(plw=s e)/laben.
From Harpokration: see below.
[1] cf. already alpha 4073.
[2] Isocrates 4.8 (web address 1), which in fact uses a)rxai/ws, the adverb cognate with the present headword a)rxai=os. The Suda has attributed to Isocrates another adverb, a)rxaiotro/pws, which comes from ancient commentary on the passage: see Harpokration s.v. a)rxai/ws.
[3] Demosthenes 9.48 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 October 2000@09:30:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 25 August 2002@10:17:28.
William Hutton (cosmetics, modified translation and notes, added links and keyword, set status) on 27 June 2003@06:45:45.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 June 2011@09:45:53.
David Whitehead on 1 September 2015@02:52:33.


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