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Search results for alpha,3990 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3990
Translated headword: field mantis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who are sluggish and ineffectual. There is a clumsy locust, green, called a mantis, whose movements some heed and [thereby] prophesy.[1]
The aroura[2] contains 50 feet.[3]
Greek Original:*)arourai/a ma/ntis: e)pi\ tw=n nwqrw=n kai\ a)pra/ktwn. e)/sti de\ a)kri\s duski/nhtos, xlwra\, kaloume/nh ma/ntis, h(=s tines prose/xontes tai=s kinh/sesi manteu/ontai. o(/ti h( a)/roura e)/xei po/das n#.
Appendix Proverbiorum 1.40 (and elsewhere).
[1] The praying mantis (Mantis religiosa); again at
mu 169.
[2] An Egyptian land-measure.
[3] cf.
sigma 981.
Keywords: agriculture; daily life; ethics; geography; mathematics; proverbs; religion; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 29 July 2001@18:13:01.
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