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Adler number: alpha,3962
Translated headword: hunting-net
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the net for [catching] wild beasts. The flaxen [nets], which they cast to hunt lions. [sc. The word comes] from the [verb] e(/lkw ["I drag"], with a change of the lambda into rho; or from the [verb] a)greu/ein ["to hunt"]; or from the [verb] ei)/rgein ["to bar the way"], [meaning] to block.[1]
The last syllable of a)/rkus is lengthened, similarly in both the nominative and accusative case. For [it is both] a)/rkus [nominative singular and plural] and ta\s a)/rkus [accusative plural].[2]
Also [attested is the term] a)rkuwro/s ["net-watcher"], the guard, who guards the hunting-nets, that is, the flaxen [ones]. All these nets for hunting are flaxen.[3]
Also [sc. attested is the related verb] a)rkuwrei=n ["to net-watch"], [meaning] to guard the huntings-nets; these are flaxen hunting[-nets].
Also [sc. attested is the dative plural] a)/rkusin ["to/for/with hunting-nets"].
Greek Original:*)/arkus: to\ qhreutiko\n di/ktuon. ta\ li/na, a(\ i(sta=si pro\s a)/gran tw=n leo/ntwn. para\ to\ e(/lkw, troph=| tou= l ei)s r: h)\ para\ to\ a)greu/ein: h)\ para\ to\ ei)/rgein, to\ kwlu/ein. tou= de\ a)/rkus e)ktei/netai h( u(ste/ra sullabh\, o(moi/ws e)pi/ te th=s o)rqh=s kai\ th=s ai)tiatikh=s ptw/sews. kai\ a)/rkus ga\r kai\ ta\s a)/rkus. kai\ *)arkuwro/s, o( fu/lac, o( ta\s a)/rkus, toute/sti ta\ li/na, fula/ttwn. e)/sti de\ tau=ta ta\ kunhgetika\ pa/nta li/na. kai\ *)arkuwrei=n, ta\s a)/rkus threi=n: ai(/ ei)si qhreutika\ li/na. kai\ a)/rkusin.
[1] cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 144.9.
[2] Likewise in other lexica.
[3] Abridged from Harpokration s.v., who cites
Lycurgus (fr.86 Conomis),
Xenophon (
On Hunting 2.3, etc.), and
Cratinus (fr 79 Kock = 84 K.-A.).
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; rhetoric; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 29 July 2001@19:58:47.
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