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Adler number: alpha,3940
Translated headword: Ariphrades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was reviled for always associating with women. He was a cithara-player.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "Now Ariphrades is a rascal. But he even wants it [that way]; he is not just a rascal -- for [otherwise] I would not even have heard of him -- or an utter knave, but he even invented something [new in the way of vice]. For [he dirties] his own tongue with shameless pleasures."[2] That is, the member and the seed of a man. Ariphrades, Polymnestos and Oionichos [were] doers of unspeakable things. And Polymnesteian [poems], too, were mocked for shamefulness.[3] "If someone does not really guard himself against such a man, he will never drink out of the same cup with us."[4] And again: "Ariphrades, stop acting foolish."[5]
Greek Original:*)arifra/dhs: ou(=tos loidorei=tai a)ei\ gunaici\ sunw/n. kiqarw|do\s de\ h)=n. *)aristofa/nhs: *)arifra/dhs e)sti\ me\n ponhro/s. a)lla\ tou=to me\n kai\ bou/letai: e)/sti d' ou) mo/non ponhro/s, ou) ga\r ou)d' a)\n h)|sqo/mhn, ou)de\ pampo/nhros, a)lla\ kai\ proseceu/rhke/ ti. th\n ga\r au)tou= glw=ttan ai)sxrai=s h)=|don. toute/sti to\ ai)doi=on tou= a)nqrw/pou kai\ to\ spe/rma. *)arifra/dhs de\, *polu/mnhstos kai\ *oi)w/nixos a)rrhtopoioi/. kai\ *polumnh/steia kai\ au)th\ kwmw|dei=tai e)p' ai)sxro/thti. ei)/ tis ou)=n toiou=ton a)/ndra mh\ sfo/dra fula/ttetai, mh/ pot' e)k tou= au)tou= meq' h(mw=n pi/etai pothri/ou. kai\ au)=qis: *)ari/frades, pau=sai lhrw=n.
pi 1988.
[1] From the
scholia to
Ecclesiazusae 129: see below.
Knights 1281-4 (web address 1 below). Comment from the
scholia there now follows. What Ariphrades allegedly (here and elsewhere) invented was cunnilingus: see J. Henderson,
The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975) 185, #389.
[3] The chorus in
Knights has gone on to mention these. Polymnestos of
Kolophon was a musician and poet of the C7 BCE.
[4] A mis-remembered version of
Knights 1288-89: the verb in the first clause should be 'abominate' (web address 1).
Ecclesiazusae 129 (web address 2. (R.G. Ussher ad loc. is unconvinced that this is the same man, thirty years after the earlier allusions.)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; meter and music; poetry; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 July 2001@01:56:55.
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