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Headword: *)ari/stwn
Adler number: alpha,3935
Translated headword: Ariston, Aristo
Vetting Status: high
The father of Plato.[1] "And he was full of the dogmas of Plato the son of Ariston. And neither could the Timaeus elude him, even if it was decked out excessively in grammatical theory and traced back the motions of nature; nor the Phaedo, nor the Gorgias; and indeed any other one of those subtle and crafty dialogues, like the Parmenides."[2]
Greek Original:
*)ari/stwn, o( *pla/twnos path/r. tw=n te *pla/twnos tou= *)ari/stwnos a)nape/plhstai dogma/twn. kai\ ou)/te o( *ti/maios au)to\n a)podra/seien a)/n, ei) kai\ sfo/dra grammikh=| qewri/a| pepoi/kiltai kai\ ta\s th=s fu/sews a)nixneu/ei kinh/seis: ou)/te o( *fai/dwn, ou)/te o( *gorgi/as: ou)menou=n ou)de\ a)/llos tis tw=n glafurw=n kai\ a)gkulwte/rwn dialo/gwn, o(poi=os o( *parmeni/dhs.
[1] See generally J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 331-2.
[2] Agathias, Histories 2.28, on Chosroes; see in full at chi 418.
Keywords: biography; historiography; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 March 2002@22:55:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 15 March 2002@08:53:43.
David Whitehead (added keyword) on 25 August 2002@04:35:55.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@06:08:01.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 February 2015@00:36:19.


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