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Adler number: alpha,3929
Translated headword: Aristoteles, Aristotle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Nikomakhos and Phaistias.
Nikomakhos was a physician in the tradition of the Asklepiads, from
Nikomakhos the son of Makhaon.[1] [
Aristotle came] from Stageira, a city of Thrace;[2] he was a philosopher, a disciple of
Plato, with a stammering voice. He had siblings Arimnestos and Arimneste, and a daughter by Pythias, the daughter of Hermeias the eunuch, who fathered her despite his being castrated.[3] The daughter of
Aristotle married three times and after giving birth predeceased her father
Aristotle. He also had a son
Nikomakhos from Herpyllis his concubine, *whom he took after Pythias the daughter of Hermeias the eunuch, who was a ruler of
Atarneus. This place [is located] in the Troad, and having become a slave of Euboulos the Bithynian, Hermeias received [it from him].[4] And Hermeias himself became the lover of
Aristotle.*[5] He presided for 13 years[6] over the philosophy which was called Peripatetic; it acquired this name because he taught on a walking path [
peripatos] or in a garden after he left the Academy, in which
Plato taught. He was born in the 99th Olympiad[7] and died by drinking aconite in Chalkis [
Place], because he was being summoned to receive punishment, since he had written a paean to Hermeias the eunuch;[8] but some say he died of disease when he had lived 70 years.
Greek Original:*)aristote/lhs, ui(o\s *nikoma/xou kai\ *faistia/dos: o( de\ *niko/maxos i)atro\s h)=n tou= tw=n *)asklhpiadw=n ge/nous, a)po\ *nikoma/xou tou= *maxa/onos. e)k *stagei/rwn, po/lews th=s *qra/|khs, filo/sofos, maqhth\s *pla/twnos, traulo\s th\n fwnh/n. kai\ a)delfou\s me\n e)/sxen *)ari/mnhston kai\ *)arimnh/sthn, qugate/ra de\ a)po\ *puqia/dos, th=s qugatro\s *(ermei/ou tou= eu)nou/xou: o(\s kai\ qladi/as w)\n au)th\n e)/speire. ghmame/nh de\ trisi\n h( *)aristote/lous quga/thr teknw/sasa proeteleu/thsen *)aristote/lous tou= patro/s. e)/sxe de\ kai\ ui(o\n *niko/maxon e)c *(erpulli/dos pallakh=s, h(\n h)ga/geto meta\ *puqia/da par' *(ermei/ou tou= eu)nou/xou: o(/stis h)=n a)/rxwn *)atarne/ws, xw/ra de\ au(/th *trw|a/dos, *eu)bou/lou de\ tou= *biqunou= dou=los gegonw\s e)/labe: kai\ au)tou= *(ermei/ou paidika\ genome/nou *)aristote/lous. h)=rce de\ e)/th ig# th=s *peripathtikh=s klhqei/shs filosofi/as dia\ to\ e)n peripa/tw| h)/toi kh/pw| dida/cai a)naxwrh/santa th=s *)akadhmi/as, e)n h(=| *pla/twn e)di/dacen. e)gennh/qh de\ e)n th=| #4q# *)olumpia/di kai\ a)pe/qanen a)ko/niton piw\n e)n *xalki/di, dio/ti e)kalei=to pro\s eu)qu/nas, e)peidh\ e)/graye paia=na ei)s *(ermei/an to\n eu)nou=xon: oi( de/ fasi no/sw| au)to\n teleuth=sai biw/santa e)/th o#.
Vita Menagiana of
Aristotle; cf.
Diogenes Laertius 5.1,4,9-10;
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
ad Ammaeum 5.
Aristotle see also
alpha 3930,
sigma 979, and generally OCD(4) s.v. (pp.159-63).
[1] For whom see
nu 399.
sigma 977.
[3] Apparently she was his niece and adopted daughter. For Hermeias see
epsilon 3040, where the name is written '
[4] According to
Strabo, Hermeias shared the tyranny with his master Euboulos and then succeeded him. See
Strabo 13.1.57: web address 1.
[5] Between the asterisks the text is corrupt.
[6] 335-322.
[7] 384/3 - 381/0; in 384, in fact.
[8] The charge made against
Aristotle was impiety. See
Diogenes Laertius 5.5.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; history; medicine; philosophy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 March 2002@12:18:59.
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