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Headword: *)aristo/cenos
Adler number: alpha,3927
Translated headword: Aristoxenos, Aristoxenus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Mnesias (also known as Spintharos), who was an authority on music, from Taras in Italy. Having taken up residence at Mantinea he became a philosopher, and on applying himself to music showed great talent for it, as a student of his father and of Lampros the Erythraian, then of Xenophilos the Pythagorean[1] and finally of Aristotle. He heaped insults on the lattermost after his death, because he left Theophrastus[2] as head of the school, although Aristoxenos himself had achieved great distinction among the students of Aristotle. And he flourished in the time of Alexander and the years following, so as to be around the 111th Olympiad[3] a contemporary of Dikaiarkhos of Messene.[4] He composed works on music and philosophy and history, and every aspect of culture. His books number[5] 453.
Greek Original:
*)aristo/cenos, ui(o\s *mnhsi/ou, tou= kai\ *spinqa/rou, mousikou=, a)po\ *ta/rantos th=s *)itali/as. diatri/yas de\ e)n *mantinei/a| filo/sofos ge/gone kai\ mousikh=| e)piqe/menos ou)k h)sto/xhsen, a)kousth\s tou= te patro\s kai\ *la/mprou tou= *)eruqrai/ou, ei)=ta *cenofi/lou tou= *puqagorei/ou kai\ te/los *)aristote/lous: ei)s o(\n a)poqano/nta u(/brise, dio/ti kate/lipe th=s sxolh=s dia/doxon *qeo/fraston, au)tou= do/can mega/lhn e)n toi=s a)kroatai=s toi=s *)aristote/lous e)/xontos. ge/gone de\ e)pi\ tw=n *)aleca/ndrou kai\ tw=n mete/peita xro/nwn: w(s ei)=nai a)po\ th=s ria# *)olumpia/dos, su/gxronos *dikaia/rxw| tw=| *messhni/w|. suneta/cato de\ mousika/ te kai\ filo/sofa, kai\ i(stori/as kai\ panto\s ei)/dous paidei/as: kai\ a)riqmou= au)tou= ta\ bibli/a ei)s ung#.
b. c.370 BCE. See generally Andrew Barker in OCD(4) s.v. (pp.163-4). Taras (Tarentum, cf. tau 112 and tau 113) is the modern city of Taranto, in Puglia, southern Italy.
[1] Xenophilos of Khalkis, a student of Philolaos of Kroton.
[2] Theophrastus 11 no. 13 FHS&G.
[3] 336-333.
[4] For whom see delta 1062. See also Dicaearchus 3 Mirhady.
[5] The transmitted a)riqmou= has to be expanded, with Pearson, to a)riqmou=ntai.
F. Wehrli, Die Schule des Aristoteles vol. 2 (Basel, 1945) [non-musical fragments]
H.S. Macran, The Harmonics of Aristoxenus (Oxford, 1902)
A. Barker, Greek Musical Writings (Cambridge, 1989)
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; meter and music; philosophy
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 20 November 2000@16:10:05.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Cosmetics, raised status) on 21 November 2000@23:36:23.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 24 August 2002@12:22:28.
David Mirhady (references to Theophrastus) on 25 July 2008@12:01:04.
David Mirhady (updated Dicaearchus ref) on 2 September 2008@19:26:27.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@05:38:17.
David Whitehead (another note) on 31 March 2014@05:24:44.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:35:25.
Ronald Allen (expanded principal note, added cross-references) on 7 July 2018@14:02:03.
Ronald Allen (tweaked principal note) on 7 July 2018@14:11:35.


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