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Headword: *)aristo/nikos
Adler number: alpha,3925
Translated headword: Aristonikos, Aristonicus
Vetting Status: high
He was the eunuch of king Ptolemy [V Epiphanes] of Egypt, but had been brought up with the king from childhood. As his age advanced, he had the courage and character of a man rather than [that] of a eunuch. For he was also a military man by nature and spent most of his life among such men and in these [pursuits]. He was also sufficiently capable in conversation and had a liberal mentality, which is rare. In addition to these things this noble man was naturally disposed to benefitting mankind.
Greek Original:
*)aristo/nikos, o( tou= *ptolemai/ou tou= basile/ws *ai)gu/ptou eu)nou=xos me\n h)=n, e)k paidi/ou d' e)gego/nei su/ntrofos tw=| basilei=. th=s d' h(liki/as probainou/shs a)ndrwdeste/ran ei)=xen h)\ kat' eu)nou=xon to/lman kai\ proai/resin. kai\ ga\r fu/sei stratiwtiko\s h)=n kai\ th\n plei/sthn diatribh\n e)poiei=to e)n tou/tois kai\ peri\ tau=ta. paraplhsi/ws kai\ kata\ ta\s e)nteu/ceis i(kano\s u(ph=rxe kai\ to\n koino\n nou=n ei)=xen, o(\ spa/nio/n e)sti. pro\s de\ tou/tois pro\s eu)ergesi/an a)nqrw/pwn e)pefu/kei kalo/s.
From Polybius 22.22 (repeated under epsilon 3604). Time: 185/4 BCE.
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 July 2001@16:30:42.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 31 July 2001@04:05:48.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 24 August 2002@12:16:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 10 November 2005@09:12:29.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 12 April 2012@05:31:39.


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