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Adler number: alpha,3894
Translated headword: Aristarchos, Aristarchus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man held the power of a monarch in
Ephesus, having come by invitation from
Athens. His relatives called him, because he had ruled them with care and consideration for 5 years. He withdrew from
Athens[1] when Harpagus happened to incite Cyrus the son of Cambyses into the revolt with the Persians [sc. against the Medes].
Greek Original:*)ari/starxos: ou(=tos th\n e)n *)efe/sw| mo/narxon ei)=xen e)cousi/an e)k tw=n *)aqhnai/wn h(/kwn klhto/s. e)ka/loun de\ a)/ra au)to\n oi( prosh/kontes, o(/ti e)mmelw=s te kai\ su\n khdemoni/a| au)tw=n h)=rcen e)/tesi e#. u(pane/sth de\ e)k tw=n *)aqhnai/wn, o(/te *(/arpagos *ku=ron to\n *kambu/sou pai=da e)pi\ th\n su\n *pe/rsais a)po/stasin e)pa/ras e)/tuxen.
For Harpagos and Cyrus "the Great", king of Persia (d. 530 BCE), see generally
Herodotus 1.108ff -- but the material of the present entry does not come from there, or anywhere else identifiable.
[1] This sense of the verb
u(pani/stamai is unusual enough to merit mention is LSJ s.v.
Keywords: biography; constitution; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 24 July 2001@23:38:01.
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