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Headword: *)ari/starxos
Adler number: alpha,3893
Translated headword: Aristarkhos, Aristarchos, Aristarchus
Vetting Status: high
Of Tegea,[1] a composer of tragedies, who was sick with some disease; then Asclepius cured him and required him to give a thanksgiving dedication for his health. The poet allotted him the drama that bears his name. But gods of health would never request payment nor accept it. How could that be? - when with a good, philanthropic spirit they offer us the greatest things free of charge: to see the sun and to share in the all-sufficing beam of such a great god for free, and the use of water and the myriad advantages of the similar art of fire, and various and cooperative aids, and to breathe the air and from that to have breath, the sustenance of life. In these small things they want us to be neither ungrateful nor unmindful, and in such things they prove us better men.
This Aristarchus was a contemporary of Euripides; he was the first to establish the length of play which is still current.[2] And he produced 70 dramas, won with 2, and lived over 100 years.
Greek Original:
*)ari/starxos, *tegea/ths, o( tw=n tragw|diw=n poihth\s, nosei= tina no/son: ei)=ta au)to\n i)a=tai o( *)asklhpio\s kai\ prosta/ssei xaristh/ria th=s u(gei/as. o( de\ poihth\s to\ dra=ma to\ o(mw/numo/n oi( ne/mei. qeoi\ de\ u(gei/as me\n ou)k a)/n pote misqo\n ai)th/saien ou)d' a)\n la/boien. h)\ pw=s a)/n; ei)/ ge ta\ me/gista h(mi=n freni\ filanqrw/pw| kai\ a)gaqh=| pare/xousi proi=ka, h(/lio/n te o(ra=n kai\ tou= qeou= tou= tosou/tou th=s panarkou=s a)misqi\ metalamba/nein a)kti=nos, kai\ xrh=sin u(/datos kai\ puro\s sunte/xnou muri/as e)pigona\s, kai\ poiki/las a(/ma kai\ sunergou\s e)pikouri/as, kai\ a)e/ros spa=n kai\ e)/xein trofh\n zwh=s to\ e)c au)tou= pneu=ma. e)qe/lousi de\ a)/ra e)n toi=sde toi=s mikroi=s mh/te a)xari/stous ei)=nai mh/te a)mnh/monas h(ma=s, kai\ e)n tou/tois a)mei/nonas a)pofai/nontes. ou(=tos de\ o( *)ari/starxos su/gxronos h)=n *eu)ripi/dh|: o(\s prw=tos ei)s to\ nu=n au)tw=n mh=kos ta\ dra/mata kate/sthse. kai\ e)di/dace me\n tragw|di/as o#, e)ni/khse de\ b#, biou\s u(pe\r e)/th r#.
C5 BCE; see generally OCD(4) p.154, under 'Aristarchus(3)'. The principal paragraph of the present entry derives from Aelian (fr. 104 Domingo-Forasté).
[1] In Arkadia (central Peloponnese).
[2] A.L. Brown in OCD s.v. notes that "no precise meaning can be attached" to this assertion.
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; food; geography; medicine; religion; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 21 November 2001@10:05:42.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keyword; cosmetics) on 21 November 2001@10:51:29.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@04:04:25.
Catharine Roth (updated reference) on 4 July 2014@01:07:32.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:17:57.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 27 December 2018@01:52:10.


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