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Headword: *)ari/starxos
Adler number: alpha,3892
Translated headword: Aristarchus, Aristarchos, Aristarkhos
Vetting Status: high
Of Alexandria by adoption, although he was born in Samothrace. His father was Aristarchus. He lived in the 156th Olympiad,[1] under Ptolemy Philometor, to whose son he was also tutor. He is said to have written more than 800 books, counting only monographs. He was a pupil of Aristophanes the grammarian,[2] and had very many disagreements with the grammarian Crates of Pergamum[3] in Pergamum.[4] His pupils included about 40 grammarians. He died in Cyprus, killing himself by starvation, because he was suffering from dropsy. He lived for 72 years. And he left two sons, Aristarchus and Aristagoras; both were simple-minded, with the result that Aristarchus was actually sold; the Athenians bought his freedom when he came among them.
Greek Original:
*)ari/starxos, *)alecandreu\s qe/sei, th=| de\ fu/sei *samoqra\|c, patro\s *)arista/rxou. ge/gone de\ kata\ th\n rn#2# *)olumpia/da, e)pi\ *ptolemai/ou tou= *filomh/toros, ou(= kai\ to\n ui(o\n e)pai/deuse. le/getai de\ gra/yai u(pe\r w# bibli/a u(pomnhma/twn mo/nwn. maqhth\s de\ ge/gonen *)aristofa/nous tou= grammatikou= kai\ *kra/thti tw=| grammatikw=| *pergamhnw=| plei=sta dihmillh/sato e)n *perga/mw|. maqhtai\ de\ au)tou= grammatikoi\ peri\ tou\s m# e)ge/nonto. teleuta=| de\ e)n *ku/prw| e(auto\n u(pecagagw\n e)ndei/a| trofh=s, no/sw| th=| u(/drwpi lhfqei/s. e)/th de\ au)tou= th=s zwh=s ob#. kai\ pai=das me\n kate/lipen *)ari/starxon kai\ *)aristago/ran. a)/mfw de\ e)ge/nonto eu)h/qeis, w(/ste kai\ e)pra/qh o( *)ari/starxos: *)aqhnai=oi de\ e)lqo/nta par' au)toi=s e)cwnh/santo.
c.216-144 BC. See generally RE Aristarchos(22); NP Aristarchos(4); OCD4 Aristarchus(2).
[1] 156-153 BC.
[2] [alpha 3933] Aristophanes.
[3] [kappa 2342] Crates.
[4] This phraseology seems rather awkward; Adler (addenda) notes several attempts to improve it.
P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford 1972) 462-7
R. Pfeiffer, A History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 210-33
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; food; geography; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 12 June 2000@10:33:36.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (changed keyword, upped status) on 28 June 2000@16:27:37.
Catharine Roth (Added keyword.) on 4 August 2000@23:00:20.
Catharine Roth (spelled out cross-references) on 8 May 2002@17:43:22.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 9 May 2002@03:04:52.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@04:01:28.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 January 2014@07:53:52.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@08:38:30.


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