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Search results for alpha,3872 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3872
Translated headword: Arignote, Arignota
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Female student of the great
Pythagoras[1] and of
Theano;[2] Samian woman, Pythagorean philosopher. She composed the following:
Bacchica; it is about the Mysteries of Demeter; it is also entitled
Sacred Narrative. She also wrote
The Rites of Dionysos and other philosophical works.
Greek Original:*)arignw/th, maqh/tria *puqago/rou tou= mega/lou kai\ *qeanou=s, *sami/a, filo/sofos *puqagorikh/. sune/tace ta/de: *bakxika/: e)/sti de\ peri\ tw=n *dh/mhtros musthri/wn: e)pigra/fetai de\ kai\ *(iero\s lo/gos. e)/graye de\ kai\ *teleta\s *dionu/sou kai\ a)/lla filo/sofa.
Keywords: biography; gender and sexuality; geography; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 13 October 2000@03:12:19.
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