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Search results for alpha,3867 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3867
Translated headword: Arrianos, Arrianus, Arrian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An epic poet, who composed an epic paraphrase of the
Georgics of Vergil. [He also wrote an]
Alexandriad; it is in accordance with [Alexander] the Macedonian, in twenty four epic songs;[1] [and] poems to
Attalus of Pergamum.[2]
Greek Original:*)arriano/s, e)popoio\s, meta/frasin tw=n *gewrgikw=n tou= *bergilli/ou e)pikw=s poih/sas: *)alecandria/da: e)/sti de\ kata\ to\n *makedo/na e)n r(ayw|di/ais ei)/kosi kai\ te/ssarsin: ei)s *)/attalon to\n *pergamhno\n poih/mata.
C2 BCE. For what little is extant, see Hugh Lloyd-Jones and Peter Parsons,
Supplementum Hellenisticum (Berlin 1983) 81-82.
[1] a.k.a. Alexander the Great (
alpha 1121). [Note, however, the odd phraseology here, including the preposition
kata/. Adler's note cites the proposal of 'Dr.' (A.B. Drachmann, 1860-1935) to read
peri\ tou= *make/donos, followed by
kata\ th\n *)ilia/da.]
[2] Three kings of this name ruled Pergamum between 241 and 133. Whichever of them is meant, the man who paraphrased Vergil must obviously be later.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; chronology; epic; geography; history; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 July 2001@14:26:28.
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