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Headword: *)/areios pa/gos
Adler number: alpha,3838
Translated headword: Ares' hill; Areiopagos, Areopagus
Vetting Status: high
A lawcourt at Athens. In it[1] [are] 2 councils: that of the 500 which is appointed each year to deliberate, and that which [leads] to a single [body] of the Areopagites. [sc. The latter] used to try homicide cases and also to exercize solemn control over the other affairs of the city. It was given the name Areios pagos ["Ares' hill"], either because the court is on a hill and [thus] in a high place -- and "of Ares" because it tries homicide cases; Ares [has a link] with homicides -- or because he grounded his spear there in the suit in reply to Poseidon over Halirrhothios, when he [Ares] killed him [Halirrhothios] because he [Halirrhothios] had raped Alkippe, his [Ares'] daughter with Agraulos the daughter of Kekrops, as Hellanicus says in [book] one.[2]
Also [sc. attested is] Areion teichos ["Ares' wall"] and Areiopagitês ["Areopagite"].[3]
Greek Original:
*)/areios pa/gos: dikasth/rion *)aqh/nhsin. e)n au)tai=s boulai\ b#, h( me\n tw=n f# kaq' e(/kaston e)niauto\n klhroume/nh bouleu/ein, h( de\ ei)s mi/an tw=n *)areopagetw=n. e)di/kaze de\ kai\ ta\ fonika\ kai\ ta\ a)/lla politika\ diw/|kei semnw=s. e)klh/qh de\ *)/areios pa/gos, h)/toi o(/ti e)n tw=| pa/gw| e)sti\ kai\ e)n u(/yei to\ dikasth/rion: *)/areios de\, e)pei\ ta\ fonika\ dika/zei: o( de\ *)/arhs e)pi\ tw=n fo/nwn: h)\ o(/ti e)/phce to\ do/ru e)kei= e)n th=| pro\s *poseidw=na u(pe\r *(alirroqi/ou di/kh|, o(/te a)pe/kteinen au)to\n biasa/menon *)alki/pphn th\n au)tou= kai\ *)agrau/lou th=s *ke/kropos qugatro\s, w(/s fhsin *(ella/nikos e)n a#. kai\ *)/areion tei=xos kai\ *)areiopagi/ths.
See generally OCD(4) p.146, s.v. Areopagus.
[1] Literally "in them," but the name of the city is plural.
[2] Hellanicus FGrH 4 F38. For the Attic hero Halirrhothios, son of Poseidon, see already alpha 1243.
[3] For the latter see already alpha 3824. (The former could well be an error for eta 489, q.v.).
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; law; mythology; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 July 2001@15:23:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 15 July 2001@06:36:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 20 November 2005@10:02:01.
David Whitehead (modified translation, after advice from Dr Todd Compton) on 28 February 2006@03:41:57.
David Whitehead (expanded n.4; cosmetics) on 11 April 2012@08:17:26.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:06:51.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 22 October 2015@19:39:03.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr and notes; cosmetics) on 23 October 2015@03:13:47.


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