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Headword: *)aguiai/
Adler number: alpha,383
Translated headword: highways
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] streets, alleys, or long roads; [sc. so called] from their not having limbs and offshoots and bends.[1] But streets [amphoda] have exits from each side and differ in this respect.
Some give aguias [i.e. the accusative plural form] an acute accent, treating it as feminine like ta\s o(dou/s; but better to use the circumflex, as if from [contracted, and masculine] agui-e-as. But a)guieu/s, ending in an acute, is a pillar set up in front of the doors. Some say these pillars belong to Apollo, some to Dionysus, some to both. So the complete form is a)guieu/s, and the accusative [sc. plural] a)guie/as, contracted to a)guia=s. It is characteristically Doric. But there might be some Attic speakers saying aguieis for the altars in front of the house, as Sophocles says when transferring Athenian customs to Troy: "the altar by the door gleams, smoky with fire and drops of myrrh and barbarian perfumes."[2]
Also [sc. attested is] Aguieus, the pointed pillar by courtyard doors, sacred to Apollo, or the god himself. Pherecrates in Krapataloi [writes]: "o master Aguieus, remember me in these matters."[3]
Greek Original:
*)aguiai/: a)/mfoda, r(u/mai, h)\ e)pimh/keis o(doi/: para\ ga\r to\ mh\ e)/xein pws gui=a kai\ me/lh kai\ ka/myeis. ta\ de\ a)/mfoda e)/xousin e(kate/rwqen dieco/dous kai\ tau/th| diafe/rousin. *)aguia=s de\ e)/nioi me\n o)cu/nousi qhlukw=s xrw/menoi, oi(=on ta\s o(dou/s: be/ltion de\ perispa=n, w(s a)po\ tou= a)guie/as. a)guieu\s de/ e)sti ki/wn ei)s o)cu\ lh/gwn, o(\n i(sta=si pro\ tw=n qurw=n. i)di/ous de/ fasin au)tou\s ei)=nai *)apo/llwnos, oi( de\ *dionu/sou, oi( de\ a)mfoi=n. e)/stin ou)=n to\ o(lo/klhron a)guieu/s, kai\ th\n ai)tiatikh\n a)guie/as, e)n sunaloifh=| de\ a)guia=s. e)/sti de\ i)/dion *dwrie/wn. ei)=en d' a)\n oi( para\ toi=s *)attikoi=s lego/menoi a)guiei=s oi( pro\ tw=n oi)kiw=n bwmoi\, w(s *sofoklh=s meta/gwn ta\ *)aqhnai/wn e)/qh ei)s *troi/an fhsi/: la/mpei d' a)guieu\s bwmo\s a)tmi/zwn puri\ smu/rnhs stalagmou\s, barba/rous eu)osmi/as. kai\ *)aguieu\s, o( pro\ tw=n au)lei/wn qurw=n kwnoeidh\s ki/wn, i(ero\s *)apo/llwnos, kai\ au)to\s qeo/s. *ferekra/ths *krapata/lois: w)= de/spota *)aguieu=, tau=ta su\ me/mnhso/ mou.
This composite entry combines two from Photius (Lexicon alpha275 and 279) with, in between them, material from Harpokration s.v. a)guia=s (7.7ff. Dindorf, A22 Keaney), commenting in the first instance on Demosthenes 21.51.
See also alpha 382.
[1] Literally, they have no limbs, as if aguia was from guia, meaning limbs. In fact it is probably derived from a)/gw, lead.
[2] Sophocles fr. 341 Nauck (= 370 Radt), from the Laocoon.
[3] Pherecrates fr. 87 Kock, now 92 K.-A.
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. MacDowell (Oxford 1971) 247-8
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 27 March 1999@17:56:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 16 July 2001@11:08:40.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 17 July 2001@02:58:25.
Robert Dyer (Added refs to Photius, Harpocration) on 19 January 2003@11:50:56.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 20 July 2011@04:50:59.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 24 December 2014@10:53:09.


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