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Search results for alpha,3822 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3822
Translated headword: male, masculine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Male] and masculinely and half-man [
hêmiandros] and half-woman [
hêmigunaix] and double-sexed [
digenês] and effeminate [
thêludrias] and hermaphrodite and eunuch [
ithris], whose vigor has been cut off; also [sc. attested is] male-looking [
arrenôpos], [meaning] one who is androgynous, and one who is manly, one who is firm.[1] They call thus those who in other respects are female but have something of a man's form. But
Hipponax [sc. uses the term] half-man, which implies half-woman.[2] Other words are
apokopos ["castrated"], and
bakêlos ["womanish, eunuch"], and
androgunos ["androgyne"], and
gallos,[3] and
gunnis ["womanish"], and Attis,[4] and eunuch-like [
Greek Original:*)/arren, kai\ a)rrenikw=s, kai\ h(mi/andros, kai\ h(migu/naic, kai\ digenh\s, kai\ qhludri/as, kai\ e(rmafro/ditos, kai\ i)/qris, ou(= h( i)sxu\s teqe/ristai, kai\ *)arrenwpo/s, o( a)ndro/gunos, kai\ o( a)ndrei=os, o( sterro/s. le/gousi d' ou(/tw ta\ me\n a)/lla gu/nidas, e)/xontas de/ ti a)ndro/morfon. *(ippw/nac de\ h(mi/andron, to\n oi(=on h(migu/naika. le/getai de\ kai\ a)po/kopos, kai\ ba/khlos, kai\ a)ndro/gunos, kai\ ga/llos, kai\ gu/nnis, kai\ *)/attis, kai\ eu)nouxw/dhs.
Similar material in other lexica.
The primary headword, evidently quoted from somewhere, is neuter singular of this adjective; the rest of the entry is etymologically and/or substantively related to it. Cf.
lambda 147,
theta 335,
alpha 2177,
epsilon 3028,
iota 242.
[1] Given the
immediate context, this last adjective might be LSJ's
sterro/s(B) "barren/sterile" rather than
sterro/s(A) (
sigma 1060); however,
lambda 67 points toward the latter.
Hipponax [
iota 588] fr. 114.
Gallus was a priest of Kybele who grew so frenzied that he cut off his own genitals. Later priests of her cult who castrated themselves were called the Galli. See
gamma 41,
gamma 42.
[4] Attis was the beloved of Kybele and the hunting companion of her eunuch priest Agdestis; eventually he castrated himself and died. See
kappa 2586 for more on Kybele.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; medicine; mythology; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 27 September 2001@08:28:34.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 28 September 2001@04:00:37.
David Whitehead (added primary note and more keywords; x-refs; tweaks and cosmetics) on 11 April 2012@06:40:58.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr, at the suggestion of Yannick Muller; augmented notes) on 4 January 2013@03:17:41.
David Whitehead (more of same) on 6 January 2013@04:21:14.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 9 September 2014@11:24:42.
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