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Search results for alpha,3804 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3804
Translated headword: water-trough
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] pot, "belly", from which animals drink. And it is said [to be derived] from the [verb] a)/rdein ["to water"]. It also used to be set in front of the door[s] of the dead, for those who are entering or exiting to sprinkle water around. Women also would use the water-trough, those scrubbing their yarn in it.
Greek Original:*)arda/nion: kera/mion, ga/stra, o(/qen ta\ qre/mmata pi/nei. kai\ ei)/rhtai para\ to\ a)/rdein. e)ti/qeto de\ kai\ pro\ th=s qu/ras tw=n teteleuthko/twn toi=s ei)siou=sin kai\ e)ciou=sin i(/na perirrai/nwntai. e)xrw=nto de\ kai\ ai( gunai=kes tw=| a)rdani/w|, ai( th\n kro/khn tri/bousai e)p' au)tou=.
This neuter noun is attested only in lexica and grammars, where it is variously given as
ardanion and
ardalion. See also
tau 838.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 July 2001@13:02:15.
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