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Headword: *)arguri\s qh/kh
Adler number: alpha,3792
Translated headword: silver chest
Vetting Status: high
['Silver chest'] and 'silver-bearing land' and 'gold-bearing [sc. land]', that which[1] when mined [yields] gold and silver. There were two kinds of mini-tablet which the Athenians used: one for writing on only for themselves, the other for depositing petty cash as well, which they used to call boxes or in other instances witnesses.[2]
Also 'silver-men' is what those with plenty of silver used to be called.[3]
Greek Original:
*)arguri\s qh/kh kai\ *)arguri=tis gh= kai\ *xrusi=tis, h( e)rgazome/nh xruso\n kai\ a)/rguron. ditta\ h)=n grammati/dia, oi(=s e)xrw=nto *)aqhnai=oi, ta\ me\n w(/ste gra/fein mo/non e(autoi=s, ta\ de\ w(/ste kai\ a)rguri/dion katati/qesqai, a(\ kai\ kibw/tia e)ka/loun, ta\ d' a)/lla martu/ria. kai\ *)arguri=tai e)le/gonto oi( a)rguri/ou eu)porou=ntes.
[1] This explanation obviously applies to the second and third (cf. chi 571) of the opening phrases, not the first; the next sentence, on the other hand, returns to the opening phrase. (The entry as a whole conflates the one on a)rguroqh/kh [sic] in Harpokration with other material.)
[2] So the transmitted text, martu/ria; but where it occurs in the text of Harpokration Bekker proposed a plausible emendation: marsi/pia ('pouches').
[3] Unattested, in this sense, outside lexicography.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; geography; law; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 October 2000@02:59:18.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 23 August 2002@09:25:46.
William Hutton (added betacode, set status) on 24 June 2003@13:02:18.
William Hutton (corrected my own error, modified footnote 2) on 24 June 2003@15:41:42.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 June 2011@08:00:13.


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