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Search results for alpha,379 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,379
Translated headword: from-Agroile; Agryle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Agroile is a deme of the Erechtheid tribe [sc. in
Athens]. A demesman [sc. of this deme] used once to be called Agroileus ["Agroilian"].[1]
Greek Original:*)agroilh=qen: *)agroi/lh dh=mo/s e)sti fulh=s th=s *)erexqei/+dos. o( de\ dhmo/ths pa/lai e)le/geto *)agroileu/s.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v. Agryle (sic - the Suda, besides transmitting an odd version of the deme-name itself, changes the headword from the deme-name to the demotikon, on which see n.1 below).
Agryle was one of the six instances of Athenian demes with "upper" and "lower" population centres: see generally D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) 21.
[1] An illusory piece of chronological information. What Harpok. actually says is: 'the demesmen [is an] Agryleus, but the locative adverb is Agrylethen. (And in fact, the latter is the regular demotikon also.)
Keywords: chronology; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 27 March 1999@17:35:00.
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