Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,3788 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3788
Translated headword: silver (one)
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [*)argure/a means the same as] a)rgura=.[1]
And [there is] a proverb: "fight with silver spears and you will conquer all." In reference to those who propose persuading someone [to do] something difficult with gifts. For the Pythia[2] prophesied this oracle to Philip,[3] speaking in riddles because of the treachery which was to encompass Greece.[4]
*xrei/w, [meaning] I prophesy, [is spelled] with a diphthong; the future tense [is] xrh/sw with an eta; but xri/w [means] I anoint.[5]
Greek Original:*)argure/a: a)rgura=. kai\ paroimi/a: *)argure/ais lo/gxaisi ma/xou kai\ pa/nta nikh/seis. e)pi\ tw=n dw/rois tina\ pei/qein pro\s ta\ duskato/rqwta parainou/ntwn. tou=ton ga\r to\n xrhsmo\n h( *puqi/a e)/xrhse *fili/ppw| ai)nittome/nh dia\ prodosi/as perie/sesqai th=s *(ella/dos. xrei/w, to\ manteu/omai dia\ difqo/ggou: o( me/llwn xrh/sw dia\ tou= h: xri/w de\ to\ a)lei/fw.
[1] Likewise in the grammarians. Here in the Suda, this uncontracted feminine nominative singular is presumably quoted from somewhere;
Hesychius alpha7062 suggests some possibilities.
[2] The priestess who spoke for Apollo of
Delphi (
pi 3127).
[3] Philip II of Macedon, evidently (
phi 354). See J. Fontenrose,
The Delphic Oracle: its responses and operations with a catalogue of responses (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1978) 338 Q215.
[4] cf.
Diogenianus 2.81.
[5] Quoted from
chi 470.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; military affairs; politics; proverbs; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 July 2001@00:34:25.
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