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Search results for alpha,3764 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3764
Translated headword: Argeas' son
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "And somehow the son of Argeas, contrary to the blow he intended, unfortunately struck his brother's chest [with his spear] and killed him."[1]
"Many other sins were committed by Theramenes, the teacher of
Isocrates, but the two greatest and most abominable ones [were] the arrest of the generals [who had been in command] at ArgennousĂȘ, which he contrived with Kallixenos, and the appointment of the Thirty for the destruction of the people." Search under
Greek Original:*)arge/ou ui(o/s: kai/ pws o( *)arge/ou ui(o\s a)llaxo/se boulo/menos balei=n, ta)delfou= dustuxw=s tw=n ste/rnwn tugxa/nei kai\ a)nairei= au)to/n. o(/ti tw=| *qhrame/nei, tw=| *)isokra/tous didaska/lw|, polla\ me\n kai\ a)/lla paraneno/mhtai, du/o de\ ta\ me/gista kai\ sxetliw/tata, h(/ te tw=n e)n *)argennou/sh| strathgw=n a)pagwgh\, h(\n au)to\s sunesth/sato meta\ *kallice/nous, h(/ te tw=n l# e)pi\ katalu/sei tou= dh/mou kata/stasis. zh/tei e)n tw=| decio/s.
The two halves of this entry have no substantive connection with each other.
[1] Part of
Aelian fr.199 Hercher, 201 Domingo-Forasté; see already at
alpha 1594.
delta 234. For the battle of
Arginousai (the normal spelling) cf.
alpha 3778. For
katalysis tou demou -- by the Thirty or whoever -- see
kappa 635.
Keywords: athletics; biography; constitution; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 June 2001@01:09:44.
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