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Search results for alpha,376 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,376
Translated headword: a rustic out of town
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He did not make this juxtaposition idly. For he is not ashamed to call himself rustic: he insults himself as foolish and rustic in various ways; rather, first of all he is unaware that he is demonstrating his own wealth. For if he were not very rich, his wife would not have chosen him or boasted about the glory of the family and her amusements in town. We are accustomed to think badly of country-dwellers. Then he uses this antithesis that subjects him to his wife: for men always think they are masters of women. He guarantees this by the antithesis: he says he is rustic and his wife is citified. And no wonder that if a man minds his own business and lives moderately, some city girl will come along, take advantage of his rural ways, and make him her slave.
Greek Original:*)/agroikos e)c a)/steos: ou)k a)rgw=s th=| paraqe/sei nu=n e)xrh/sato: ou) ga\r o)neidi/sai boulo/menos e(auto\n a)/groikon kalei=: a)no/hton ga\r kai\ a)/groikon panta/pasi diaba/llein e(auto/n: a)lla\ prw=ton me\n dia\ tou/tou lelhqo/tws th\n eu)pori/an pari/sthsi th\n e(autou=. ou) ga\r a)\n, ei) mh\ pa/nu h)=n plou/sios, e)pedika/sato a)\n au)tou= h( gunh\ kai\ th=| do/ch| au)xou=sa tou= ge/nous kai\ th=| e)n a)/stei diatribh=|. a)docei=n ga\r ei)w/qamen e)pi\ toi=s a)groi/kois. e)/peita de\ ka)kei/nhn qerapeu/ei th\n a)nti/qesin to\ u(poteta/xqai au)to\n th=| gunaiki/: despo/zein ga\r ei)w/qasin oi( a)/ndres tw=n gunaikw=n. o( de\ th=| a)ntiparaqe/sei kai\ tou=to e)pistw/sato, fh/sas a)/groikon au)to\n ei)=nai, th\n de\ gunai=ka politikh/n. qaumasto\n ga\r ou)de\n, ei) a)/nqrwpon i)diopra/gmona kai\ me/trion tou\s tro/pous dia\ th\n e)pi\ th=s a)groiki/as diai/tan gu/naion u(pe/tace politiko\n kai\ katedoulw/sato.
From the
scholia to
Clouds 47, where the headword phrase occurs: Strepsiades is comparing himself and his city-bred wife.
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; women
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 27 March 1999@17:28:52.
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