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Headword: *)arbaza/kios
Adler number: alpha,3752
Translated headword: Arbazakios, Arbazacius
Vetting Status: high
The Isaurian, [who lived] in the time of the emperor Arcadius,[1] whom they called "Harpazakios" ["grabby"] because of his greed. For he was from Armenia, and he was seized by three afflictions at the same time -- just as if by unbreakable, indissoluble Hephaestian chains[2] -- and he remained stuck in them. And these were love-craziness and drunkenness and greed. Thus he practiced what seemed to him virtues to the utmost limit, so that no one by experience would believe that he was not trained to a peak in these three. For[3] he lived with so many female musicians that neither he nor any of his attendants could even count them. And at least the auditors of his military affairs who came to him knew the number of his soldiers; but the multitude of his courtesans escaped even his reckoning by his hands. So just as[4] they say Orontes the Persian said that the smallest of his fingers signifies both "ten thousand" and "one", so they too reckoned the courtesans by singles and ten thousands.
Greek Original:
*)arbaza/kios, *)/isauros, e)pi\ *)arkadi/ou tou= basile/ws, o(\n *(arpaza/kion e)ka/loun dia\ to\ pleonektiko/n. h)=n me\n ga\r e)c *)armeni/as, toi=s trisi\n a(/ma sugkateilhmme/nos pa/qesin, w(/sper *(hfaistei/ois desmoi=s a)rrh/ktois a)lu/tois, kai\ e)/mene/ ge e)n au)toi=s e)/mpedon. tau=ta de\ h)=n e)rwtomani/a kai\ me/qh kai\ pleoneci/a. ou(/tw de\ ei)s e)/sxaton o(/ron ta\s e(autw=| dokou/sas a)reta\s e)peth/deuen, w(/ste ou)k a)/n tis e)pi/steuse peiraqei\s, o(/ti ta\s trei=s e)kei/nas ou(/tws ei)s a)/kron e)ch/skhse. mousourgoi=s me\n ga\r sune/zh tosau/tais, o(/sas ou)/te e)kei=nos a)riqmei=n ei)=xen ou)/te e(/tero/s tis tw=n diakonoume/nwn. kai\ oi(/ge prosh/kontes au)tw=| logistai\ tw=n stratiwtikw=n e)/rgwn to\n me\n a)riqmo\n tw=n stratiwtw=n h)/|desan: to\ de\ plh=qos tw=n e(tairw=n kai\ to\n e)k tw=n xeirw=n a)riqmo\n au)tou= die/fugen. w(/sper ou)=n *)oro/nthn to\n *pe/rshn fasi\n ei)pei=n, o(/ti tw=n daktu/lwn o( mikro/tatos kai\ mu/ria shmai/nei kai\ e(/na a)riqmo/n, ou(/tw ka)kei=noi ta\s e(tai/ras kata\ mona/das kai\ muria/das h)ri/qmoun.
Eunapius fr. 84 FHG (4.51).
[1] Reigned AD 383-408.
[2] Again at eta 657. "Hephaestian chains" were those with which Hephaestus had trapped the adulterers Aphrodite (his wife) and Ares: Homer, Odyssey 8.
[3] All of what now follows reappears under mu 1303.
[4] For this see again omicron 624.
David Woods, 'Arbazacius, Fravitta, and the government of Isauria, ca. AD 396-404', Phoenix 52 (1998) 109-119
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 November 2001@19:50:45.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords) on 23 August 2002@08:18:21.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 10 April 2012@06:17:18.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 30 August 2015@08:03:52.


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