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Search results for alpha,3672 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3672
Translated headword: abjured
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] forbidden, shunned;[1] also impossible. "Why is the deed abjured for the Athenians?"
Eupolis in the
Cities [sc. writes this].[2]
Also [note that]
a)pw/moton does not come from
w)mo/ths ["cruelty"], and [nor does]
e)co/mnusqai ["to abjure"].[3]
Greek Original:*)apw/moton: a)phgoreume/non, feukto/n: kai\ a)poi/hton. ti/ d' e)/st' *)aqhnai/oisi pra=gma a)pw/moton; *eu)/polis e)n tai=s *po/lesi. kai\ *)apw/moton, a)po\ w)mo/thtos mh\ gi/nesqai, kai\ e)co/mnusqai.
[1] Same or smiliar glossing in other lexica; from the
scholia to
Laws 814A, where the headword (which literally means: declared impossible under oath) appears. See also
epsilon 1935.
Eupolis fr. 217 Kock, now 234 K.-A.
[3] Rather, both these words derive from
o)/mnumi "I swear".
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 August 2001@16:11:30.
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