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Adler number: alpha,3658
Translated headword: voted-off, voted-out
Vetting Status: high
Translation: If someone [sc. in classical
Athens] seemed to be a foreigner and not a citizen, the [relevant] demesmen used to vote him out in the registration-votes of the demes, and he was called "voted-out". He would then be taken to the jurycourt and tried for being a foreigner; if convicted he was sold as a foreigner,[1] but if successful [in rebutting the charge] he was admitted into the citizen-body. Thus [says]
Demosthenes: "for which of you does not know Antiphon, the man voted-off?"[2]
See under
diapsephisis ["registration vote"].[3]
Greek Original:*)apoyhfisqe/nta: ei)/ tis ce/nos e)/docen ei)=nai kai\ ou) poli/ths, tou=ton e)n tai=s diayhfi/sesi tw=n dh/mwn a)peyhfi/zonto oi( dhmo/tai, kai\ e)le/geto a)peyhfisme/nos. ei)=ta ei)sh/geto ei)s to\ dikasth/rion kai\ e)kri/neto ceni/as, kai\ ei) me\n e(a/lw, e)pipra/sketo w(s ce/nos: ei) de\ e)kra/tei, a)nelamba/neto ei)s th\n politei/an. ou(/tws *dhmosqe/nhs: ti/s ga\r u(mw=n ou)k oi)=den a)poyhfisqe/nta *)antifw=nta; zh/tei e)n tw=| diayh/fisis.
The headword participle -- aorist passive, masculine accusative singular -- is extracted from the
Demosthenes passage (eventually) quoted.
For a very different meaning of this verb see
alpha 3657.
[1] As a slave, more exactly. On this and other aspects of the procedure see D. Whitehead,
The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) 97-109.
Demosthenes 18.132-134 (at 132), our main source on the episode, of c.343 BCE. For the text see web address 1 below. See also
Dinarchus 1.63;
Demosthenes 14.5; I. Worthington,
A Historical Commentary on Dinarchus (Ann Arbor 1992) 227-8.
delta 850,
delta 851.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 June 2001@09:28:07.
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