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Search results for alpha,3616 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3616
Translated headword: averting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] turning away and turning against and hating.[1]
They are accustomed to wipe their swords clean on the heads of those slain, as if averting the defilement that is in the murder.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the related neuter noun] a)potropi/asma ["sacrifice to avert evil"], [meaning] propitiatory offering, turning away those things which are not proper. Alternatively something needing aversion, such as a bad omen.[3]
Greek Original:*)apotropiazo/menoi: a)potrepo/menoi kai\ a)postrefo/menoi kai\ misou=ntes. ei)w/qasi tw=n a)nairoume/nwn ei)s ta\s kefala\s a)poma/ssein ta\ ci/fh, w(/sper a)potropiazo/menoi to\ mu/sos to\ e)n tw=| fo/nw|. kai\ *)apotropi/asma, e)ci/lasma, a)potre/pon ta\ mh\ prosh/konta. h)\ to\ a)potroph=s a)/cion, oi(=on a)potro/paion.
See also
alpha 3615.
[1] The headword participle is probably (though not demonstrably) extracted from the quotation given.
[2] From the
scholia to
Electra 445; cf.
mu 274.
[3] Same material in other lexica.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 August 2001@22:50:05.
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