[Used] with an accusative.[1] [Meaning] to have been banished. For banishments were previously written on potsherds [ostraka].
"They say that Kimon was ostracized by [the] Athenians for having slept with his sister Elpinike." Meaning was banished.[2]
*)apostrakisqh=nai: ai)tiatikh=|. e)corisqh=nai. e)n o)stra/kois ga\r to\ pri\n e)gra/fonto ai( e)cori/ai. o(/ti a)postrakisqh=nai/ fasi *ki/mwna th=| a)delfh=| *)elpini/kh| sugkoimhqe/nta u(po\ *)aqhnai/wn. a)nti\ tou= e)corisqh=nai.
Although the (valid and important) distinctions between ostracism and exile, elucidated at
omicron 717, are ignored in the present entry, the term "banishment" -- literally, being sent beyond the borders (of Attica, in this instance) -- is not inappropriate for either.
[1] True in general terms of the verb
a)postraki/zw, but not of this actual headword, its aorist passive infinitive.
[2] Again at
kappa 1621 -- see the note there -- and
omicron 717.
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