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Adler number: alpha,3561
Translated headword: to recite, to dictate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to speak from memory.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
a)po\ sto/matos ["by mouth, orally"], [meaning] without documents. "But he commanded them to speak orally to the leaders of the Mardians."[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
a)po\ sto/matos, [meaning] as we [say] not by means of documents, but from memory. Philemon in
Dispensations [writes]: "if you wish, I will say everything orally."[2]
Cratinus [uses] this the same as
a)po\ glw/tths ["from the tongue"] in
Laws: "but, by Zeus, I neither know my letters nor have experience [using them], but I will tell you the rest orally; for I remember well."[3]
Thucydides in [book] 7 [writes]: "and those from
Nicias came into
Athens and they reported orally as many things as he told them."[4]
Plato in
Theaetetus [writes]: "but what indeed are words? Can you explain? -- No, by Zeus, at least, not orally, but I wrote down notes right away when I came home."[5]
Also, they say that a teacher
a)postomati/zei ["dictates"], whenever he tells the boy certain things orally.
Greek Original:*)apostomati/zein: a)po\ mnh/mhs le/gein. kai\ *)apo\ sto/matos, a)/neu gramma/twn. o( de\ keleu/ei a)po\ sto/matos fra/zein toi=s h(gemo/si tw=n *ma/rdwn. kai\ *)apo\ sto/matos, w(s h(mei=s to\ mh\ dia\ gramma/twn, a)ll' a)po\ mnh/mhs. *filh/mwn *nemome/nois: a)po\ sto/matos a(/pant', e)a\n bou/lhsq', e)rw=. *krati=nos de\ tauto\ tou=t' a)po\ glw/tths, *no/mois: a)lla\, ma\ *di/', ou)k oi)=d' e)/gwge gra/mmat' ou)d' e)pi/stamai, ta\ a)/lla a)po\ glw/tths fra/sw soi: mnhmoneu/w ga\r kalw=s. *qoukudi/dhs z#: kai\ h(/kontes ei)s ta\s *)aqh/nas oi( a)po\ tou= *niki/ou, o(/sa te a)po\ glw/tths ei)/rhto au)toi=s ei)=pon. *pla/twn *qeaith/tw|: a)ta\r ti/nes h)=san oi( lo/goi; e)/xois a)\n dihgh/sasqai; ou) ma\ to\n *di/' ou)/koun, ou)/ge a)po\ sto/matos, a)ll' e)graya/mhn me\n tou=t' eu)qu\s oi)/kad' e)lqw\n u(pomnh/mata. kai\ *)apostomati/zein fasi\ to\n dida/skalon, o(/tan keleu/h| to\n pai=da le/gein a)/tta a)po\ sto/matos.
[1] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 87 Roos-Wirth.
[2] Philemon fr. 48 Kock, now 50 K.-A.
Cratinus fr. 122 Kock, now 128 K.-A.
Thucydides 7.10 (web address 1 below).
Theaetetus 142D (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; geography; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 August 2001@12:51:49.
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