[Meaning] withdrawal from a [sc. certain amount of] intervening space.
Polybius [writes]: "none of the citizens knew what was happening because of the distance, the city being large".[1]
[The terms] 'distance' and 'distancing' [
a)postasi/a] are [construed with] 'from someone' and 'toward someone'.
"He is changing his benefactor by
Also [sc. attested is the]
a)postasi/ou di/kh, the [lawsuit] brought against freedmen, when they reject those who have freed them.
a)postasi/ou di/kh[3] is a particular lawsuit, against freedmen, provided for those who have freed them, if [the freedmen] abandon them or register with another patron, and fail to do what [else] the laws prescribe. And those convicted must be slaves again, whereas those who have won their case are left completely free.
Prosecution for
a)posta/sion: when a slave insists upon freedom, claiming that he does not belong to those who are contending that he is a slave. Contrast that for
a)prosta/sion: each of the metics has, by law, one of the citizens as patron [
prosta/ths], and through him both pays the metic-tax annually and manages everything else. So whenever anyone appears to be a metic but does not have a patron or is not paying the metic-tax or claims to be an Athenian and has been improperly enrolled as a citizen, anyone who likes can prosecute him; this is called
*)apo/stasis: a)poxw/rhsis e)k diasth/matos. *polu/bios: ou)deno\s e)pegnwko/tos tw=n politw=n to\ sumbai=non dia\ th\n a)po/stasin, a(/te mega/lhs ou)/shs th=s po/lews. *)apo/stasis kai\ h( *)apostasi/a a)po/ tinos pro/s tina. o( de\ a)mei/betai to\n eu)erge/thn a)posta/sei. kai\ *)apostasi/ou di/kh, h( kata\ tw=n a)peleuqe/rwn, o(/tan a)postw=si tw=n a)peleuqerwsa/ntwn. *)apostasi/ou di/kh ti/s e)sti kata\ tw=n a)peleuqerwqe/ntwn dedome/nh toi=s a)peleuqerw/sasin, e)a\n a)fistw=ntai a)p' au)tw=n h)\ prosta/thn e(/teron e)pigra/fwntai, kai\ a(\ keleu/ousin oi( no/moi mh\ poiw=si. kai\ tou\s me\n a(lo/ntas dei= dou/lous ei)=nai, tou\s de\ nikh/santas tele/ws loipo\n e)leuqe/rous. *)apostasi/ou di/kh: o(/tan dou=los u(pe\r e)leuqeri/as e)ni/statai, fa/skwn mh\ prosh/kein toi=s dou=lon au)to\n a)ntipoioume/nois. *)aprostasi/ou de/: tw=n metoi/kwn e(/kastos prosta/thn e)/xousi kata\ no/mon e(/na tw=n a)stw=n, kai\ di' au)tou= to/ te metoi/kion ti/qetai kata\ e)/tos kai\ ta\ a)/lla dioikei=tai. o(/tan ou)=n tis dokw=n ei)=nai me/toikos prosta/thn mh\ e)/xh| h)\ mh\ dw=| to\ metoi/kion h)\ a)sto\s ei)=nai fa/skh| pareggegramme/nos ei)s th\n politei/an, o( boulo/menos di/khn ei)sa/gei pro\s au)to\n, h(/tis le/getai a)prostasi/ou.
Polybius 8.37.12.
[2] Quotation (and personnel) unidentifiable. (Adler suggests
[3] The source for this paragraph about classical
Athens is Harpokration s.v.
a)postasi/ou, which cites oratory (
Lysias fr.32 Sauppe [now 37 Carey OCT],
Hyperides fr. 99 Jensen) and ?
Athenaion Politeia 58.3.
[4] See
alpha 3703.
David Whitehead (supplied headword; modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 22 August 2002@05:03:28.
William Hutton (Cosmetics, modified translation, set status) on 14 November 2002@15:34:08.
David Whitehead (augmented note; added keyword) on 15 November 2002@03:08:23.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks) on 9 February 2011@08:34:24.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 June 2011@06:34:00.
David Whitehead on 29 August 2015@09:28:11.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule, coding) on 1 October 2015@00:22:06.
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