Search results for alpha,3510 in Adler number:
Headword: *)apo/rroia Adler number: alpha,3510 Translated headword: outflow Vetting Status: high Translation:
[Meaning] the outflowing of the water.
Greek Original:
*)apo/rroia: h( a)porroh\ tou= u(/datos.
Different glossing for this feminine noun in Hesychius s.v., where Latte regards it as quoted from the Septuagint (Wisdom of Solomon 7.25). Cf. alpha 3503.
William Hutton (Modified headword and translation, set status) on 3 June 2001@23:27:47. David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 22 August 2002@03:30:45. David Whitehead (note; more keywords) on 5 April 2012@04:32:23. David Whitehead on 29 August 2015@08:41:59. Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 20 September 2015@19:21:50.