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Headword: *)aporw=
Adler number: alpha,3506
Translated headword: I puzzle (and) I write (and) I de-hair myself (and) I do sums looking away into the countryside
Vetting Status: high
I write [gra/fw] means I doodle and I draw likenesses in the dirt, I sketch some games with my finger and suchlike. And "I de-hair myself" [parati/llomai] [means] I pluck hairs from my nostrils or from my armpits. Those who are waiting for something do all such things, passing the time at a loss and in lack of means, not happening upon the expected event. For when they dispose themselves by themselves, they wander in mind and draw. They look away into the countryside, eager to be there.
Greek Original:
*)aporw=, gra/fw, parati/llomai, logi/zomai, a)poble/pwn ei)s to\n a)gro/n: gra/fw me\n a)nti\ tou= katagra/fw kai\ zwgrafw= e)pi\ th=s gh=s, cu/w tw=| daktu/lw| kai/ tini toiou/tw| paidia/s tinas. parati/llomai de\ ta\s e)k tw=n mukth/rwn ti/llw tri/xas h)\ tw=n masxalw=n. tau=ta de\ pa/nta poiou=sin oi( prosdexo/menoi me/n ti, to\n de\ xro/non dapanw=ntes ei)s a)pori/as kai\ a)mhxani/as, mh\ tugxa/nontes tou= prosdokwme/nou logismou=. o(/te ga\r au)toi\ e)f' e(autw=n diati/qentai, a)lu/ontes e)pigra/fousin. ei)s to\n a)gro\n de\ a)poble/pousin e)piqumou=ntes e)n au)tw=| ei)=nai.
The long headword phrase quotes Aristophanes, Acharnians 31-32 (web address 1 below); comment from the scholia there follows. The evacuated yokel Dikaiopolis is describing what he does while waiting for meetings of the Athenian Assembly to begin.
cf. gamma 441 and pi 467.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; medicine
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 October 2001@20:07:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 29 October 2001@03:39:44.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 21 August 2002@21:24:34.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 7 October 2005@06:09:46.
David Whitehead (betacode and other cosmetics) on 5 April 2012@04:09:26.


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