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Adler number: alpha,3465
Translated headword: they are bent awry
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they turn at an angle, they turn back.
Polybius [writes]: "For the swords of the Gauls, because of their manufacture, make only one effective cut, the first; after this they are immediately bent awry, so curved both lengthwise and sideways that unless someone gives the attackers pause to plant them in the ground and make them straight again with their foot, their second blow is completely useless."[1]
Greek Original:*)apocustrou=ntai: e)pika/mptontai, e)pistre/fontai. *polu/bios: ai( ga\r ma/xairai tw=n *galatw=n tai=s kataskeuai=s mi/an e)/xousin th\n prw/thn katafora\n kairi/an, a)po\ de\ tau/ths eu)qe/ws a)pocustrou=ntai, kampto/menai kata\ mh=kos kai\ pla/tos e)pi\ tosou=ton w(/ste, a)\n mh\ dw=| tis a)nastrofh\n toi=s xrwme/nois e)rei/santas pro\s th\n gh=n a)peuqu=nai tw=| podi\, tele/ws a)/prakton ei)=nai th\n deute/ran au)tw=n plhgh/n.
The headword verb is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
Polybius 2.33.3. The note on this in F.W. Walbank,
A Historical Commentary on Polybius, i (Oxford 1957) 209 adds, to necessary reference material on this blunt-pointed Celtic slashing sword, a modern parallel -- the 1940 story of the cardboard German tank -- for what is so improbably said about them here.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 June 2001@00:38:27.
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