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Headword: *)apollw/nios
Adler number: alpha,3422
Translated headword: Apollonius [Dyscolus], Apollonios [Duskolos]
Vetting Status: high
[Apollonius] of Alexandria, called Dyscolus ["Curmudgeon"];[1] father of Herodian[2] the technical writer. Grammarian. He wrote the following works: On the Division of the Parts of Speech (4 books); On the Syntax of the Parts of Speech (4 books); On the Verb, or Rhematikos (5 books); On the Formation of mi-Verbs (1 book); On Nouns, or Onomatikos (1 book); On Nouns according to Dialect; On the Nominative Case of Feminine Nouns (1 book); On Paronyms (1 book); On Comparatives; and On Dialects - Doric, Ionic, Aeolic, Attic; On Homeric Figures; On Fabricated History; On Modifications of Forms; On Necessary Accents (2 books); On Skewed Accents (1 book); On Prosodies (5 books); On Letters; On Prepositions; On Didymus' Pithana;[3] On Composition; On Words with Two Spellings; On the Word 'tis'; On Genders; On Breathings; On Possessives; On Conjugation.
Greek Original:
*)apollw/nios, *)alecandreu\s, o( klhqei\s *du/skolos, path\r *(hrwdianou= tou= texnogra/fou, grammatiko/s: o(\s e)/graye ta/de. *peri\ merismou= tw=n tou= lo/gou merw=n bibli/a d#, *peri\ sunta/cews tw=n tou= lo/gou merw=n d#, *peri\ r(h/matos h)/toi *(rhmatiko\n e)n bibli/ois e#, *peri\ tw=n ei)s mi lhgo/ntwn r(hma/twn paragwgw=n bibli/on a#, *peri\ o)noma/twn h)/toi *)onomatiko\n a#, *peri\ o)noma/twn kata\ dia/lekton, *peri\ th=s e)n qhlukoi=s o)no/masin eu)qei/as a#, *peri\ parwnu/mwn a#, *peri\ sugkritikw=n, kai\ *peri\ diale/ktwn, *dwri/dos, *)ia/dos, *ai)oli/dos, *)atqi/dos, *peri\ sxhma/twn *(omhrikw=n, *peri\ kateyeusme/nhs i(stori/as, *peri\ paqw=n, *peri\ to/nwn kathnagkasme/nwn bibli/a b#, *peri\ to/nwn skoliw=n bibli/on a#, *peri\ prosw|diw=n e#, *peri\ stoixei/wn, *peri\ proqe/sewn, *peri\ tw=n *didu/mou piqanw=n, *peri\ sunqe/sews, *peri\ diforoume/nwn, *peri\ tou= ti/s, *peri\ genw=n, *peri\ pneuma/twn, *peri\ kthtikw=n, *peri\ suzugi/as.
[1] RE Apollonios (81); NP Apollonios (11); OCD4 Apollonius (13).
[2] [eta 546] Herodian.
[3] See [delta 873] Didymus.
D.L. Blank, 'Apollonius Dyscolus', ANRW II 34.1 (1993) 708-30
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 12 June 2000@10:21:48.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keywords) on 22 March 2002@17:52:57.
Catharine Roth on 22 March 2002@17:53:55.
David Whitehead (translated the nickname) on 11 June 2003@08:50:39.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 3 April 2012@08:16:10.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@08:37:25.


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