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Adler number: alpha,3415
Translated headword: Apollonias, Apollonis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The wedded wife of Attalos, the father of King Eumenes.[1] She was a commoner who became queen, and maintained that high status until her final day, behaving not with a courtesan's seductiveness but with a prudent and civilized dignity and nobility. For she gave birth to four sons and maintained toward all of them unsurpassed goodwill and affection up to the end, even though she survived her husband for a considerable amount of time. Moreover, those in the court of Attalos in his absence protected her good reputation, granting to the mother [of his sons] the appropriate gratitude and honor. For taking their mother by both hands and leading her around in between them they visited both the shrines and the city along with their retinue. At this, the spectators accepted the young men and deemed them worthy, and, recalling the case of Kleobis and Biton,[2] they compared their choices, and complemented the splendor of their spiritedness with the distinction of the eminence of kings. These things were done in
Kyzikos after the dissolution of the [peace] with king Prousias.
Greek Original:*)apollwnia/s, *)atta/lou, tou= patro\s *eu)me/nous tou= basile/ws, gameth/: h(/tis dhmo/tis ou)=sa basi/lissa e)gego/nei kai\ tau/thn diefu/lace th\n u(peroxh\n me/xri th=s teleutai/as h(me/ras, ou)x e(tairikh\n prosferome/nh piqano/thta, swfronikh\n de\ kai\ politikh\n semno/thta kai\ kaloka)gaqi/an. te/ttaras ga\r ui(ou\s gennh/sasa pro\s pa/ntas tou/tous a)nupe/rblhton e)fu/lacen eu)/noian kai\ filostorgi/an me/xri teleuth=s, kai/toi xro/non ou)k o)li/gon u(perbiw/sasa ta)ndro/s. plh\n oi(/ge peri\ to\n *)/attalon e)n th=| parepidhmi/a| kalh\n periepoih/santo fh/mhn, a)podido/ntes th=| mhtri\ th\n kaqh/kousan xa/rita kai\ timh/n. a)/gontes ga\r e)c a)mfoi=n toi=n xeroi=n me/shn au)tw=n th\n mhte/ra parh/|esan ta/ q' i(era\ kai\ th\n po/lin meta\ th=s qerapei/as. e)f' oi(=s oi( qew/menoi mega/lws tou\s neani/skous a)pede/xonto kai\ kathci/oun, kai\ mnhmoneu/ontes tw=n peri\ *kle/obin kai\ *bi/twna sune/krinon ta\s ai(re/seis au)tw=n, kai\ to\ th=s proqumi/as th=s e)kei/nwn lampro\n tw=| th=s u(peroxh=s tw=n basile/wn a)ciw/mati sunanaplhrou=ntes. tau=ta e)tele/sqh e)n *kuzi/kw| meta\ th\n dia/lusin th\n pro\s *prousi/an to\n basile/a.
An abridgement and paraphrase of the Polybian excerpt 22.20 (= EV 2, 186, 6-25). There the woman's name is given as
Apollonis, but I detect nothing else that might spring from an alternative tradition. (
Apollonis is the correct form: see Walbank 211.)
[1] i.e. Eumenes II of
Pergamon, son of Attalos I and brother of Attalos II.
[2] Two brothers from Argos [
Place], famous for devotion to their mother; their story is briefly told in
kappa 2499.
F.W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, III (Oxford 1979)
Keywords: biography; chronology; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 January 2002@16:33:07.
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