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Headword: *)apollo/dwros
Adler number: alpha,3407
Translated headword: Apollodorus, Apollodoros
Vetting Status: high
Son of Asclepiades. Grammarian. One of the pupils of the philosopher Panaetius of Rhodes[1] and the grammarian Aristarchus.[2] He was Athenian by birth. He was the first of the so-called tragiambic poets.
Greek Original:
*)apollo/dwros, *)asklhpia/dou, grammatiko\s, ei(=s tw=n *panaiti/ou tou= *(rodi/ou filoso/fou kai\ *)arista/rxou tou= grammatikou= maqhtw=n, *)aqhnai=os to\ ge/nos: h)=rce de\ prw=tos tw=n kaloume/nwn tragia/mbwn.
c.180-after 120 BC. See generally RE Apollodoros (61); NP Apollodoros (7); OCD4 Apollodorus(6); FGrH 244.
[1] [pi 184] Panaetius.
[2] [alpha 3892] Aristarchus.
P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford 1972) 471
R. Pfeiffer, A History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 253-66
Keywords: biography; geography; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 12 June 2000@10:18:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword; added keywords; cosmetics) on 8 May 2002@04:49:41.
Catharine Roth (spelled out cross-references) on 8 May 2002@17:41:30.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; cosmetics) on 23 September 2005@20:01:03.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 3 April 2012@07:04:21.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@08:08:45.


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