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Search results for alpha,3399 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3399
Translated headword: you will skip off
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] you will run away, you will leap away from the door. Contained in this word is the [adjective]
a)rgo/n, which is swift, and the [adverb]
li/an ["excessively"]. So, he is saying, won't you run away quickly? But they used to call leaps "skips".[1]
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "so why don't you have done with it and skip off quickly from the door?"[2]
There is also [the related present infinitive]
a)politargei=n ["to skip off"].[3]
Greek Original:*)apolitargiei=s: a)podramh=|, a)poskirth/seias a)po\ th=s qu/ras. e)/nesti de\ e)n th=| le/cei to\ a)rgo\n, o(/per e)sti\ to\ taxu\, kai\ to\ li/an. ou) taxe/ws ou)=n, fhsi\n, a)podramh=|; litargismou\s de\ e)ka/loun kai\ ta\ skirth/mata. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: ou)/koun a)nu/sas ti qa=tton a)politargiei=s a)po\ th=s qu/ras; e)/sti kai\ *)apolitargei=n.
[1] cf.
lambda 613.
Clouds 1253-4 (web address 1), with scholion.
[3] Attested only in lexicography.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 May 2001@17:36:29.
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