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Adler number: alpha,3398
Translated headword: Apollinarius, Apollinarios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man appeared after Paul of
Samosata;[1] he was bishop of Laodicea in
Syria, and introduced another folly. The Arians said that our Lord's flesh had no soul; he said that the Lord took flesh ensouled with a living soul, but he did not take to himself a mind like ours. He says that that flesh did not need a human mind, since it was guided by the divine Word which assumed it. On this premise he insists that there is one nature of the Word and the flesh, on the grounds that the flesh is incomplete with respect to being a human being, and so does not justify the application of the term 'a nature'. After him
Theodorus, bishop of
Mopsuestia in
Cilicia, appeared.[2]
There were two men named
Apollinarius, father and son. The father was from Alexandria, but married in Laodicea in
Syria and had a son called
Apollinarius.[3] Both flourished at the same time as the sophist Epiphanius,[4] whom they met in his prime. Theodotus, the bishop of Laodicea, being completely unable to detach them from him, excommunicated them. The younger
Apollinarius regarded what had happened as an insult, and relying on his sophistic ingenuity he too invented his own heresy, which is still current, and bears the name of its inventor. Others say that they disagreed with George,[5] because they saw that his doctrine was unsound.[6]
Apollinarius had the audacity to believe in degrees of the divine nature, and attached myths to God's promises.[7]
Greek Original:*)apolina/rios: ou(=tos a)nefa/nh meta\ *pau=lon to\n *samosate/a, pro/edros *laodikei/as th=s *suri/as, mataiofrosu/nhs e(te/ras h(ghsa/menos. tw=n ga\r *)areianw=n a)/yuxon pa/nth lego/ntwn th\n tou= kuri/ou sa/rka, au)to\s e)/fh, o(/ti sa/rka me\n e)myuxwme/nhn yuxh=| zwtikh=| a)ne/laben o( ku/rios, nou=n de\ to\n h(me/teron ou) prosh/kato. mhde\ ga\r dehqh=nai/ fhsi th\n sa/rka e)kei/nhn a)nqrwpei/ou noo\s, h(gemoneuome/nhn u(po\ tou= au)th\n e)ndeduko/tos qeou= lo/gou, a)lla\ mhde\ xwrei=n au)th=| a)/llhn du/namin para\ th\n qei/an. tau=ta u(poqe/menos diatei/netai mi/an ei)=nai fu/sin tou= lo/gou kai\ th=s sarko\s, w(s a(/te th=s sarko\s a)telou=s ou)/shs ei)s to\ ei)=nai a)/nqrwpon, dia\ tou=to mh\ a)/cion fu/sin o)noma/zesqai. meq' o(\n a)nafai/netai *qeo/dwros, o( *moyouesti/as pro/edros th=s *kiliki/as. e)ge/nonto de\ *)apolina/rioi du/o, path\r kai\ ui(o/s. o( me\n path\r *)alecandreu/s: gh/mas de\ ei)s *laodi/keian th=s *suri/as i)/sxei ui(o\n *)apolina/rion. a)/mfw de\ sunh/kmazon *)epifani/w| tw=| sofisth=|, o(\n a)kma/zonta to/te h)spa/zonto. *qeo/- dotos de\, o( th=s *laodikei/as e)pi/skopos, mhdeni\ tro/pw| a)pospa/sai au)tou\s e)c au)tou= dunhqei\s a)/mfw th=s koinwni/as e)zhmi/wsen. u(/brin te h(gei=tai o( pai=s *)apolina/rios ta\ geno/mena kai\ th=| e)nnoi/a| tou= sofistikou= qarrw=n kainotomei= kai\ au)to\s ai(/resin, h(\ nu=n e)pipola/zei, to\ o)/noma tou= eu(ro/ntos e)/xousa. oi( de/ fasi dienexqh=nai au)tou\s pro\s *gew/rgion, e(w/rwn ga\r au)to\n a)llo/kota dogmati/zonta. ou(=tos de\ o( *)apolina/rios baqmou\s e)pi\ th=s qei/as fu/sews doca/zein e)to/lmhse kai\ mu/qous tina\s tai=s qei/ais e)paggeli/ais sune/zeucen.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; geography; historiography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 February 2000@16:15:54.
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